Friday, May 31, 2019
An Analysis of the Legality of Abortion :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
An Analysis of the Legality of AbortionIn Abortion and Social Justice, Dennis Horan, J.D. et alii argue The Legal Case For the Unborn Child Abortion is not a private case. The destruction of human life, even incipient or developing human life in the womb, can never be considered a private matter under our law. The contention that it is a private matter would be too ludicrous and absurd to even argue were it not so often congeal forth under such intellectually impeccable auspices. Would those civil libertarians who argue that abortion is a private matter, argue that the exercise of civil rights is purely a private matter between the Black man and the man that thwarts them? Certainly not. Just as the civil right to vote must be defend by law, so too the most fundamental and basic of all civil rights - the Right to Life - must be protected by law.(105) In her book, Abortion and Dialogue Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and American Law, Ruth Colker explains why Roe v. Wade is considered an act ivist decision Second, it Roe v. Wadeset the tone for how activist the Court would be in our lives. quite a than simply rule for the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, thereby invalidating the challenged Texas abortion statute, the Court outlined the parameters of a constitutional abortion statute. In opposite words, the Court drafted a model statute rather than simply striking down the Texas statute. Such judicial involvement in legislative activity is considered to be highly activist because the Court, in a sense, is displacing the legislatures role in society. Such activisim is often criticized for interfering with legislative dialogue, because the judiciary, an undemocratic institution, has substituted its judgment for that of the legislature. (102) Former president Ronald Reagan in his book, Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation, states how the Roe v. Wade decision is a violation of the Constitution Make no mistake, aboriton-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. No serious scholar, including one disposed to agree with the Courts result, has argued that the framers of the Constitution intended to create such a right. Shortly after the Roe v. Wade decision, professor John Hart Ely, now Dean of Stanford Law School, wrote that the opinion is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be. nowhere do the plain words of the Constitution even hint at a right so sweeping as to permit abortion up to the time the child is ready to be born.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Microsoft shares the wealth :: essays research papers
Why MICROSOFT decided to pay dividends in 2003?1.1 The company might see itself stepping in Maturity Stage -Harder to grow, r dismantleue growth slide downInvestors buy stock for one of two reasons either it leave alone grow in esteem or pay a dividend. If a company stops growing, stockholders testament demand a dividend. If they dont get it, they will sell their stock. In the history, Microsoft enjoyed incredible growth, so dividend was unnecessary. Recent Microsoft dividends may tell us that the company has ended its growth phase and is now a mature company. -More competitions from Open source like Linux and distribute officeWindows and Office continue to supply most of Microsofts profit. But that profit is being squeezed as to a greater extent and more companies are using Linux servers and even Linux desktops. For example, China is developing its own OS (Operating System) and planning to use for the whole country (their intention is to keep Microsoft away from the country). T he company has been forced to slash worths for near key customers to avoid large scale defections, which leads to difficulties to locate the right price because high price may reduce the market share, but low price to compete against open source may reduce its core revenue.1.2 Expecting the stock price will increase after dividends paid - Investors can buy more sharesExperts say most investors will also likely use the extra cash to buy more shares. And theres no guarantee the investors will spend money in the economy. Indeed, most investors will probably reinvest it or keep it in a cash account at their brokerage.- Stocks buyback form _or_ system of government from Microsoft itselfEven if Microsoft use Optimal Distribution Policy in which there is a balance between cash dividends (well-nigh 32 billions USD) and stock repurchase (around 30 billions USD). This may affect the decrease in stock price a little while after the announcement of dividend payout, however investors still ho pe for the ascent price in the future.1.3 The company reserves the great amount of cash liquidityAs we can see from the article that Microsoft can pay around 32 billions USD for cash dividend, 30 billions USD for stocks repurchase and another 3 billions USD, for the goodness, to Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.Agree / Disagree with the decision, explain why?AGREE becauseIAs the company is reaching the maturity stage, dividend payout is another option instead of company growth onlyI30 billion USD buy back will contribute to keep the stock value up and make investors happy
Failure In Ethan Frome :: essays research papers
The main theme of the book Ethan Frome is tribulation. It is shown in three delegacys throughout the story Ethans marriage, him not being able to stand up to Zeena, and his involvement in the "smash up".Ethan marries Zeena so he wont be alone after his mother dies. She seemed like a very cheerful, vivacious mortal while his mother was sick. After their marriage all this changed. She became a very nagging, sick wife. Because of Zeenas "complications" they had to hire someone to help around the house. Mattie, Zeenas cousin, requisite a enthrone to live and seemed fit for the job. She moved in and Ethan took and immediate liking to her. He found someone that cared for him, was always happy, and could share his youth. All of which, Zeena was incapable of doing. Ethan longed to be with Mattie, entirely he was loyal to Zeena. Being married to Zeena was Ethans first failure.Ethans second failure was not standing up to Zeena. She claimed the doctor said that she was ex tremely sick and needed more help around the house. She told him without any discussion that Mattie had to go. Ethan could not find the words to make her alter her decision. Zeena also decided that Mattie had to leave the next day. It was give tongue to in the book that Zeena had the upper hand in the house by the line "Now she Zeena had mastered him Ethan and he obeyed her." Ethan could not find the right things to say, and it was because of his failure of not being able to stand up to his wife that he was going to lose the only thing that made him happy.Ethans last failure was the way he modified his and Matties lives regarding the "smash up". He wanted to run away with Mattie, but he could not because his practical sense told him it was not feasible to do so. Mattie wanted so desperately to be with Ethan that she suggested in order to stay together forever, to die together. It was Ethans job to steer into the tree with the sled so that it looked like an accident al death.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Planet Comparison- Uranus and Neptune :: essays research papers
major planet Comparison ReportUranusUranus was discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel. He at first wanted to name the planet Sidus Georgium which is Latin for Georges star subsequently the king of England. Another astronomer Johann Bode advised Herschel against it and suggested instead that he use a name from Greco-Roman mythology alike all other planets. So Uranus was given its name which is the father of Saturn.Uranus is one of the Jovian planets and like the others it has a short rotation period. Uranuss day is 17.2 hours. Its innovation around the sun that is slightly more than 84 years. It is the seventh planet from the sun at a distance of 1.78 billion miles.Uranus is about 4 times the diameter of flat coat at 46,700km. Its mass is 15 times that of earth at 8.68*10 kg. The axial tilt of this planet is one of the virtually unusual things about it. It is tilt 98 degrees which classifies it as being in retrograde rotation. Uranus is also unique because it has the most inclined charismatic field. The surface magnetic field is 74 part that of the earth. The surface gravity on Uranus is 8.87 m/s. The atmosphere of Uranus is thick with a lot of hydrogen, helium, and methane. It has a very woeful density, the mean density is 1271 kg/m. Uranus lacks any really significant internal heat source and it mean surface temperature is 58 K.To date Uranus has been make to have 21 satellites quad of which have yet to be named and 11 rings.News ArticlesFrom Regulatory Intelligence Data.Title Release 99-47 Huge Spring Storms depose Uranus From Winter Hibernation check 03/29/99NASAs Hubble Space telescope showed that for the first time seasonal changes on Uranus. From ScienceNOWTitle New moon for Uranus Date 05/19/99A new moon was discovered for Uranus that had previously been overlooked for 13 years. As of 1999 this discovery brought the total of Uranuss satellites to 18.NeptuneNeptune was discovered through and through a discrepancy in Uranuss orbit. Uranus s orbit was not moving how astronomers predicted it would. They could not find an elliptical orbit that fit Uranuss trajectory. They and so assumed that there had to be another planet thats gravitational pull was effecting Uranus. Johann Galle was the first to find Neptune in 1846, even though many in the beginning him had mathematically predicted where this new planet would be. The planet was named Neptune and two astronomers who had predicted mathematically where it would be are credited with finding it not Galle.Planet Comparison- Uranus and Neptune essays research papers Planet Comparison ReportUranusUranus was discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel. He at first wanted to name the planet Sidus Georgium which is latin for Georges star after the king of England. Another astronomer Johann Bode advised Herschel against it and suggested instead that he use a name from Greco-Roman mythology like all other planets. So Uranus was given its name which is the father of Saturn.Uran us is one of the Jovian planets and like the others it has a short rotation period. Uranuss day is 17.2 hours. Its revolution around the sun however is slightly more than 84 years. It is the seventh planet from the sun at a distance of 1.78 billion miles.Uranus is about 4 times the diameter of earth at 46,700km. Its mass is 15 times that of earth at 8.68*10 kg. The axial tilt of this planet is one of the most unusual things about it. It is tilted 98 degrees which classifies it as being in retrograde rotation. Uranus is also unique because it has the most inclined magnetic field. The surface magnetic field is 74 percent that of the earth. The surface gravity on Uranus is 8.87 m/s. The atmosphere of Uranus is thick with a lot of hydrogen, helium, and methane. It has a very low density, the mean density is 1271 kg/m. Uranus lacks any really significant internal heat source and it mean surface temperature is 58 K.To date Uranus has been found to have 21 satellites four of which have yet to be named and 11 rings.News ArticlesFrom Regulatory Intelligence Data.Title Release 99-47 Huge Spring Storms Rouse Uranus From Winter HibernationDate 03/29/99NASAs Hubble Space telescope showed that for the first time seasonal changes on Uranus. From ScienceNOWTitle New moon for Uranus Date 05/19/99A new moon was discovered for Uranus that had previously been overlooked for 13 years. As of 1999 this discovery brought the total of Uranuss satellites to 18.NeptuneNeptune was discovered through a discrepancy in Uranuss orbit. Uranuss orbit was not moving how astronomers predicted it would. They could not find an elliptical orbit that fit Uranuss trajectory. They therefore assumed that there had to be another planet thats gravitational pull was effecting Uranus. Johann Galle was the first to find Neptune in 1846, even though many before him had mathematically predicted where this new planet would be. The planet was named Neptune and two astronomers who had predicted mathematically wh ere it would be are credited with finding it not Galle.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Essays - A Schoolyard Lesson :: Personal Narrative Essays
A Schoolyard Lesson         Get up, get up you have school today, my mother blurted out, as I fell out of bed.  I stood up and waddled to the bathroom.  Looking into the mirror I smiled to myself I knew today was going to be just fine.  My family and I had just moved from Guatemala, and today was to be my start day at Bel Air Elementary School.  I usually dont get worried about these situations, since Ive been through the routine before, besides I unravel to make friends easily.  Why would today be any different, I told myself.         I finished brushing my teeth and splashing my face, then continued to get dressed.  I threw on some Bugle Boy caches, a Polo shirt, and some Nikes.  After giving up on my hair I ran into the kitchen and snatched my lunch box discharge the counter.  Soon I was out the door and on to face my archetypal day at my new school.         After defeating the labyrinth of streets that we call our neighborhood, and meeting my first crossing guard I made my way into the school.  It was quite crowded , but I knew where I was headed.  I proceeded up the stairs and down the pressure group to room 212, where I sat down in the front row.  I turned around and took a quick peak at the class scan the room for someone to talk to.  When I saw no opportunities I began to get a bit timid, but as soon as the gong rang I felt all right.         We went through the motions for awhile filling out paper work, introducing ourselves, all the first day stuff.  I heard a a couple of(prenominal) kids say they were new to the area, of which Brian Vedder was the only boy.  He wasnt much to look at, not a soap opera star, or a great athlete, just a regular kid.  Nonetheless I thought Id like to meet him and talk to him later on in the day. By this time we all were becoming restless, and I definitely knew why.  Everyone was waiting for recess, the time when kids get to have fun and let it all hang out.  After all we didnt have class
Free Essays - A Schoolyard Lesson :: Personal Narrative Essays
A Schoolyard Lesson         Get up, get up you exact school today, my mother blurted out, as I fell out of bed.  I stood up and waddled to the bathroom.  Looking into the mirror I smiled to myself I knew today was going to be just fine.  My family and I had just move from Guatemala, and today was to be my first day at Bel Air Elementary School.  I usually dont get worried about these situations, since Ive been through the map before, besides I tend to make friends easily.  Why would today be any different, I told myself.         I finished brushing my teeth and splashing my face, thence continued to get dressed.  I threw on some Bugle Boy caches, a Polo shirt, and some Nikes.  After giving up on my hair I ran into the kitchen and snatched my lunch box off the counter.  Soon I was out the door and on to face my first day at my new school.         After defeating the sna rl of streets that we call our neighborhood, and meeting my first crossing guard I made my way into the school.  It was quite crowded , but I knew where I was headed.  I proceeded up the stairs and down the hall to room 212, where I sat down in the front row.  I turned around and took a quick bankers bill at the class scanning the room for someone to talk to.  When I saw no opportunities I began to get a bit timid, but as soon as the bell rang I felt all right.         We went through the motions for awhile filling out paper work, introducing ourselves, all the first day stuff.  I heard a few kids say they were new to the area, of which Brian Vedder was the only boy.  He wasnt much to look at, not a soap opera star, or a great athlete, just a regular kid.  Nonetheless I thought Id like to meet him and talk to him later on in the day. By this meter we all were becoming restless, and I definitely knew why.  Everyone wa s waiting for recess, the time when kids get to have fun and let it all hang out.  After all we didnt have class
Monday, May 27, 2019
1. Why was sildenafil so successful? sildenafil citrates success was collect to * Viagra was the first orally taken drug that addressed ED. Other alternatives that had already existed in the market were penile implants, vacuum pumps , ED injection and urethra suppository, none of them were really user friendly. * Viagra was the first affordable solution for ED, its retail price was $10/dose, whereas Caverject injection cost $25/dose, vacuum pumps $300 to $500, and the well-nigh expensive, penile implants ranged from $12,000 to $18,000. Pfizer employed advertising which reached out to all custody. They featured celebrities in their ads, such as Bob Dole, Raphael Palmiero, Mark Martin. Seeing these celebrities publically confess to having ED, make work force feel more comfortable in acknowledging their witness ED issues and communicating it to their physicians. * Unlike injections, Viagra could be taken everyday. * Some people dictuming machine recreational usage to Viagra. * Vi agra was approved by Medicaid in 11 states. * There was a huge market for ED drugs.In 1996 the number of ED prompted doctor visits was at the all period high of 1. 3 million visits. 2. Draw a perceptual map that summarizes the positioning strategies adopted by Viagra, Levitra and Cialis and treasure those strategies. Viagras positioning dodging Pfizer first started out by featuring older celebrities, like Bob Dole, trying to capture attention of their target market. Statistics showed that everyplace 50% of Viagras customers were men over 50. Later, Pfizer changed its dodging and started featuring young celebrities, such as a baseball player, NASCAR driver.They wanted to show that even man-sized mans could contrive a problem and they also wanted to put out a message that Viagra is not only for older men tho for men of all ages, who might even only shed a slight problem. Basically, their message to men was youre not too young for Viagra. I think this was the right move on P fizers side since it expand their target market to men of all ages, at the same time maybe draw out men who didnt feel comfortable with the subject. Levitras positioning strategy acetylsalicylic acid and Glaxo positioned Levitra as a way of enhancing the cozy experience.It was not about the number of times a man could have sex, it was all about quality. They also wanted to educate the public about ED and about their solution to it. Their reps spent 50% more time talking to doctors about Levitra than Pfizers did about Viagra. This was a good positioning strategy for acetylsalicylic acid and Glaxo. With Levitra, coming to market after Viagra, they had to differentiate themselves somehow. And doing this from a quality angle, I believe they hit the right note with a lot of men. Cialis positioning strategyLilly Icos, after doing several years of question and seeing both, Viagra and Levitras performance in the market, decided to position Cialis as a stress-free, more spontaneous, app ointee into an every-day lifestyle type of a solution to ED. Men didnt have to feel stressed to perform because of the time constraints. They can live their normal lives, with Cialis resistant of in the background. I believe its a really good strategy, given the characteristics of Cialis. People with ED want to put their problem out of their mentality and not think about it.And Cialis would be the perfect solution theres no pressure to perform, they can have sex at their witness convenience. No major changes would need to be do to their lives. 3. How can the product attri howeveres of Cialis be translated into a successful positioning platform for the products base? Cialis differentiated itself from the rest of the available ED treatments in the following ways * Cialis took faster power than Viagra and remained exploitive longer than Viagra (around 36 hours and the effect kicked in only when needed). This was a huge plus on Cialis side since it was so flexible. It had effect even after eating fatty foods. It could also be taken by patients who had high blood pressure, and it could be taken along with alpha blockers. The bottom line it accommodated virtually everyone under most every circumstance. * Cialis had little physical side effects than its enemys, Viagra and Levitra. Outlined below are some of the different ways Lilly Icos could have positioned Cialis * To men of every age and of every physical condition with any level of ED severity. * To men who love their routines and dont want to change them. Emphasize on the fact that mens partners dont even have to know that theyre taking drugs for their condition. This might especially be important to men who start go out a new person they might not want their partner to know about their condition, at least maybe not right away. * buttocks be taken before/after any type of activity work, sports, romantic dinner out. * merchant ship be taken by men of legion(predicate) a(prenominal) different life styles (busy professionals, busy parents, retired, etc. ) * End benefit is that anyone with any sort of ED dysfunction can feel problem-free again It works for any man, anywhere, anytimeCialisThey have DEED problems- which lead to feeling personal embarrassment Question their role In their relationships Sense of unfairness to their female partners trained relationships Self-identity problems questioning role in all contexts of life questioning place in the world. Where? From a local apothecarys shop directly from a Doctor from a mail order drugstore Not usual drug store another party getting it in other countries. How? They intake prescription to engage in intimacy with cozy partner. SOOT Analysis Strengths 1 Eli Lily and CICS is a great source for product team.Eli Lilly have plenty experience to bring drugs to the market. CICS have strong technical competency with proven trench in clinical result. 2 Compared to Vicarage, Scalia can last up to 36 hours, unaffected by meals, rare v isual Irregularities etc. 3 Good operationally and financially positioned to enter the market. Weakness 1 Low compound Annual Growth Rates (CARR) In Germany (3. 6%) and France (14. 8%) some(prenominal) lower value than comparable countries such as the US. This may lead to low return in these markets. Brayers likely positioning as a nook drug treating diabetes along with DEED, limits the strategies that Lilly CICS LLC can explore ND employ. 3 CICS have no marketing competence to date. How much control will they realistically have marketing decisions given their lack of experience? Will their lack of marketing competence slowdown elements of the launching/ complicate processes? Opportunity 1 . Promoting to couples (both married and sprightliness together) in a combined campaign. 2. The high dropout rates of Vicarage after first year offers potential targeting for Lilly CICS LLC.Threats 1 . Little evidence of market research conducted in Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Australia. 2. Comp etitive reaction of Pfizer could prohibit Lilly CICS LLC Clans compete with the advertising blitz that Pfizer have exercised? Marketing strategy suggestion Price Since Scalia is going to position to face compete with Vicarage, we highly recommend it launch at the same price with Vicarage. It is easy for customer to accept a safer and longer-lasting DEED drug at the authorized price. Distribution Channels & Management 1.Wholesalers Lilly CICS LLC are in charge of manufacturing the drug, at which point they distribute he drug to wholesalers. Given the unattractiveness of the channel for wholesalers and the low marge that is obtained, a 5%increase may give Lilly CICS LLC more influence over the terms of the arrangement. This would also encourage the wholesaler to distribute more extensively and effortless(prenominal)ness more favorable terms such as buying back stock unsold. 2. Patients Directly sell drugs to the patients who have DEED problem via doctors would be a very good way to reach target consumer. . Website Sell drugs on Physician website or Patients and partner website. Promotion 1. Free sampling Since Scalia is the direct competitor of Vicarage, send free sampling to Vicarage user would be a very good way to reach target consumer. 2. Advertisement in hospital Scalia is a safer and longer-lasting DEED medicine, patient in hospital can get more advice from doctors after they saw the advertisement. 3. Website advertisement Physician website or Patients and partner website would be a very good way to add exposure of the new product.Cialis1. Why was Viagra so successful? Viagras success was ascribable to * Viagra was the first orally taken drug that addressed ED. Other alternatives that had already existed in the market were penile implants, vacuum pumps , ED injection and urethra suppository, none of them were really user friendly. * Viagra was the first affordable solution for ED, its retail price was $10/dose, whereas Caverject injection cost $25/dos e, vacuum pumps $300 to $500, and the most expensive, penile implants ranged from $12,000 to $18,000. Pfizer employed advertising which reached out to all men. They featured celebrities in their ads, such as Bob Dole, Raphael Palmiero, Mark Martin. Seeing these celebrities publically confess to having ED, made men feel more comfortable in acknowledging their own ED issues and communicating it to their physicians. * Unlike injections, Viagra could be taken everyday. * Some people saw recreational usage to Viagra. * Viagra was approved by Medicaid in 11 states. * There was a huge market for ED drugs.In 1996 the number of ED prompted doctor visits was at the all time high of 1. 3 million visits. 2. Draw a perceptual map that summarizes the positioning strategies adopted by Viagra, Levitra and Cialis and value those strategies. Viagras positioning strategy Pfizer first started out by featuring older celebrities, like Bob Dole, trying to capture attention of their target market. Statisti cs showed that over 50% of Viagras customers were men over 50. Later, Pfizer changed its strategy and started featuring young celebrities, such as a baseball player, NASCAR driver.They wanted to show that even masculine mans could have a problem and they also wanted to put out a message that Viagra is not only for older men but for men of all ages, who might even only have a slight problem. Basically, their message to men was youre not too young for Viagra. I think this was the right move on Pfizers side since it expand their target market to men of all ages, at the same time maybe draw out men who didnt feel comfortable with the subject. Levitras positioning strategy Bayer and Glaxo positioned Levitra as a way of enhancing the cozy experience.It was not about the number of times a man could have sex, it was all about quality. They also wanted to educate the public about ED and about their solution to it. Their reps spent 50% more time talking to doctors about Levitra than Pfizers did about Viagra. This was a good positioning strategy for Bayer and Glaxo. With Levitra, coming to market after Viagra, they had to differentiate themselves somehow. And doing this from a quality angle, I believe they hit the right note with a lot of men. Cialis positioning strategyLilly Icos, after doing several years of research and seeing both, Viagra and Levitras performance in the market, decided to position Cialis as a stress-free, more spontaneous, registration into an every-day lifestyle type of a solution to ED. Men didnt have to feel stressed to perform because of the time constraints. They can live their normal lives, with Cialis potpourri of in the background. I believe its a really good strategy, given the characteristics of Cialis. People with ED want to put their problem out of their foreland and not think about it.And Cialis would be the perfect solution theres no pressure to perform, they can have sex at their own convenience. No major changes would need to be made to their lives. 3. How can the product attributes of Cialis be translated into a successful positioning platform for the products launch? Cialis differentiated itself from the rest of the available ED treatments in the following ways * Cialis took faster effect than Viagra and remained effective longer than Viagra (around 36 hours and the effect kicked in only when needed). This was a huge plus on Cialis side since it was so flexible. It had effect even after eating fatty foods. It could also be taken by patients who had high blood pressure, and it could be taken along with alpha blockers. The bottom line it accommodated most everyone under most every circumstance. * Cialis had less physical side effects than its competitors, Viagra and Levitra. Outlined below are some of the different ways Lilly Icos could have positioned Cialis * To men of any age and of any physical condition with any level of ED severity. * To men who love their routines and dont want to change them. Emph asize on the fact that mens partners dont even have to know that theyre taking drugs for their condition. This might especially be important to men who start date a new person they might not want their partner to know about their condition, at least maybe not right away. * Can be taken before/after any type of activity work, sports, romantic dinner out. * Can be taken by men of many different lifestyles (busy professionals, busy parents, retired, etc. ) * End benefit is that anyone with any sort of ED dysfunction can feel problem-free again It works for any man, anywhere, anytime
Sunday, May 26, 2019
How can India get more Olympic Medals Essay
In 2004 Athens Olympics, India celebrated its achievement of the unrivalled silver medal it won in Shooting. After four years, in 2008 capital of Red China Olympics, India won a gold medal in 10m Air belong event and one bronze medal each, in Wrestling and Boxing. The international media appreciated this as a rare feat from a non-athletic nation. The drag non-athletic nation can be refuted considering the craze for cricket in India. However, that is not the bone of contention here. India is considered as a non-athletic nation because of its consistent deplor adequate performance before the world audience in this quadrennial event.India has 17% of the world population but won scarce 0. 31% of the total medals in Beijing Olympics. Thus, there is an urgent need for a strategy that can help India win more Olympic medals. It is important to understand why India has not been able to get more Olympic medals before answering how to get the same. Well, the sportsmen and women in India of ten complain about lack of adequate sources, funds, infrastructure, equipment, sponsorship and encouragement for sports and games otherwise than cricket in the country.Corruption, political intervention and unwillingness of sports authorities are also cited as the root causes. Inadequate training programmes and practice sessions which do not meet international standards are said to be another reason for dismal performances in the Olympics. Besides the above, another most important reason is the discouragement and neutrality showed by parents and teachers to their childrens interest in sports and games. The solution lies in addressing or targeting the above problems.In the first place, parents and teachers should make an extra effort to identify a childs inclination towards sports. Children of all ages should be encouraged to actively participate in sports as it will help in their overall physiologic and mental development. Schools should include sports as an integral part of the ir curriculum. Sports competitions should be held at local and regional levels, and students interested in a particular game, should be provided with merely training.This can help children cultivate sportsmanship qualities and also gain experience in the game. Secondly, the state and central governments should provide adequate funds and resources for upgraded training programs, necessary infrastructure, equipment and other facilities to sportspersons. For instance, the government and sports authorities in China exact not only planned to successfully host 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, but also have endeavored Project 119 towards pleasing golds in the medal rich sports of swimming, track, rowing, kayaking and sailing.Under this project, intensive training at par with international standards was provided to athletes and participants of various games. India needs to design and implement such goal-oriented projects to clinch more medals in Olympic games. Thirdly, all the encourageme nt, resources and participation would go waste without a proper coach. The nuances and tricks of the game can only be learnt from a good trainer. Even in Mahabharata, the great India epic, a master-archer like Arjuna was trained by his versatile teacher, Dhronacharya.Hence, trainers with good performance record, experience and pic to national and international sports should be appointed as sports coach to train the athletes. In addition to this, steps should be taken to sever the tentacles of this monstrous gray whale called corruption which has made its way into every part of human life including sports and games. Sanctioning and providing adequate funds is one step but utilizing them efficiently for the purpose meant, is an altogether different step. Accounts should be audited to ensure proper appropriation of funds.Authorities holding positions in sports organizations, associations and selection committees should be held accountable and punished in the event of any misuse of t he allocated funds. Moreover, favoritism and bias in selection of team members, appointment of trainers, etc. should be strictly discouraged. It should be ensured that the only criteria for selecting a player or a coach on the team should be his/ her performance record and definitely not their personal background or social intercourse with the members on Selection committee.Care should be taken to not repeat cases like Monica Devi, a wrestler from Manipur, who was dropped from the Indian contingent to 2008 Beijing Olympics in the operate minute. The issue is yet to be solved. Such incidents can lead to resentment among players. Finally, sports in India should expand and reach beyond cricket. Cricket has managed to attract huge fanfare, reputed shuffling names for sponsorship and popular celebrities like industrialists and bollywood actors. Cash-rich Indian Premier League stands as a testimony to this. Similar treatment is due to be accorded to other sports. reclusive sponsorers i ncluding domestic and multinational companies should be invited to offer sponsorship to sportsmen of other games. Wide publicity should be given to other sports by broadcasting them on television. Medal winning performance should be duly rewarded by the central and state governments. However, inspite of all the hurdles and hiccups, Abhinav Bindra, Sushil Kumar and Vijendra Kumar created history at the Beijing Olympics 2008. This clearly shows that without obstacles, India would stand second to none in the Olympic Medal chart.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Political and familial contexts Essay
Examine the ways in which the political and familial contexts and relationships are established in Act I of the play. The politics of the Italian Court in the play are revealed to the audience as corrupt and unethical, also exposing the state of the English Court in this period. Webster could not have written about it straightaway and so it is shown through the setting in Malfi. This corruption is mainly embodied by Ferdinand and the Cardinal, who are the most politically causalityful characters in the play.Their power in the Court is reflected in their familial relationships with the Duchess. The venality of the Court in Malfi is first suggested by Antonio who describes the general make-up of politics in any region using the relation of a fountain, whence should flow pure silver drops but can be poisoned at the top thereby, death and diseases through the whole land spread. As it seems to have done in Malfi, as the two most powerful figures are so moraless.Antonio is also descri bing the effectiveness and purity of the French Court in this dialogue, which emphasises the corruption in Italy. Bosola who himself is seemingly amoral, being introduced to the audience by Antonio as the court-gall, directly refers to Ferdinand and his brother, the Cardinal likening them to plum trees that grow crooked. He suggests that too much power and riches has made them so, but also that they are surrounded by flattring sycophants who are like crows and caterpillars and use them to gain power and wealth for themselves.This analogy can be linked with Antonios, to say that the corruption at the top of Ferdinand and the Cardinal has affected the rest of the court and made them every bit depraved and greedy. It is ironic that Bosola describes these people with such distaste as he himself is a flattering pander hoping to improve his position in court. The Cardinal could be seen as possibly the most underhanded character in the play because he is supposed to be a man of God and so his deformation is emphasised.In the Cardinals first appearance Bosola mocks his religious position, shown by the hyperbole, With all your divinity, thus revealing the Cardinals religious values to be almost non-existent. Delio explains Bosolas bitterness towards the Cardinal to Antonio, and reveals that he was put in the galleys for seven years for a murder he was commissioned to do by the Cardinal. This blatant unjust act again is an example of his clear corruption.Further into Act One, the Cardinal initiates the employment of Bosola as a spy in tramp to keep an eye on the Duchess, his power is clear at this point because he makes Ferdinand negotiate with Bosola as he would not be seen int, demonstrating his apparent control even over his own brother, the Duke of Malfi. His power is paralleled with his astuteness, as Ferdinand suggests Antonio instead of Bosola for the job and the Cardinal correctly observes His nature is too honest display his ability to read people making him all the more powerful.Ferdinand is also clever, he can see through the flatterers in the court purposely hard to get in his favour such as Castruchio, who constantly and unnecessarily addresses him as my lord and tries to dissuade him from going to war. Ferdinand recognises this and makes a mockery of him, sarcastically commenting about his pun, Why, theres a wit were able to undo all the surgeons of the city. His power and control here is also made clear, as he gets angry when they laugh without him laughing, take fire when I give fire, that is, laugh when I laugh.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Family Health Assessment Essay
Tell me about your family values concerning health .What values are important to you when it comes to how to promotion health? How have these values influence your life-style as family. What are your family nutritional habits? Tell me how galore(postnominal) serving of vegetable or fruits you eat per day? What kind of diet do you eat? How m whatever hours a night do you sleep? What do you do for relaxation? Do you take any sleep aid? How are your bowel habits? Do you take any over the count stool softer? Tell me about your bladder habits? What do you do for exercise? What kind of activity do you do with the children? What do you all do for recreation? Has there been a change in your sensory perception? How is your hearing? How is your vision? Are there any body image issue? How much time do you have sex per week? What are your concerns when it comes to sex? Tell me how you cope with try as a family .what is some effective way you deal with stress as family.The Family Health Assess ment tool is a vital tool use in the collection of date for family health opinion .This assessment tool which was proposed by Marjorie Gordon in 1987 is call functional health pattern framework. This tool is comprehensive in the collection of date and communication of data among health care providers .This tool assist the health care provider in examining functions and interactions among the patterns to accurately determine and diagnosis actual or potential problems and plan intervention toward outcomes to promote health and well-being. Gordon, 2007Health Promotion done the life Span 7ED CHAPTER 7 These eleven emphasis areas proposed by Gordon ordain be used in this paper to determine collect and analysis data. The eleven are mention above. Each one will be analysis andapplied to the family interview. I choose an across-the-board family for this health assessment paper .This paper will detail the task in family assessment and it will be completed with minimal stress to the fam ily. An ext cease family is defines as a family that goes beyond the immediate family network, like the husband, wife and children.The extended family includes the uncle and aunts. Sometime extended family even has a family division like the grandparent living with in the household. This assessment began with health perception and the health management in which the family are asked open ended question. This paper will also discussed health problems which will lead to health promotion and restrainion with in the family. Strategies will be plane with the family involvement to promote, prevent and maintain health. The extended family is young Hispanic by the name of Falto .The couple has three young children, the older is a boy 9years, the middle child is a 7years boy and the youngest is 4 years old girl. The feather is 37 years old construction worker, works quadruple long time a week for 10 hours a day. The mother is 34yeal woman work at local hospital as dietary director, works eight hours a day job, five days a week. The grandmother the father mother live with them in the household and she is 60years.Th two older children attend a secured public school. The grandmother do non work she stayed at home with the four years little girl.They all live in a safe neighborhood in a four bed room, two and the half bath single family home. The Family says they are finically stable and the children are both doing well in school. They have health insurance through the mothers job. They verbalize that they are all healthy except that Mrs. Falto develop gestational hypertension when she was pregetant with their daughter who is now four years old. Her kindred pressure is well control with Lisinopril 10mg insouciant and they maintained their health by yearly physical with their chief(a) doctor. The children immunization is up to date .All part of the family are nonsmoker and do not drink any alcohol, they stayed healthy by watching their calories intake and walking at last two time a week at the local park ,while the children paly .Nutritional the family eat three meals a .day and try to eat one meal together daily which is dinner. annihilate a regular diet and they closely watch their calories and salt intake.Males are cook at home three time a week and reheated daily .The children are all healthy, the two older children play baseball at local YMCA two times a week forrecreation. All four children produce chart show that they are appropriate for their high and weight. The father is 5 feet and 6 inches and weight 180lbs.H verbalize that their primary care doctor has advised him on weight control. Mrs. Flato is 5 feet 5 inches and is 155 lbs. The grandmother is 4 feet, 9 inches and weight 175 make her over weight for her high. She has been encouraged by the primary care doctor to walk daily for 20 mint four to five days a week. They eat a well balances diet making their bowel pattern regular and normal Berman et al, 2007.The grandmother has d eveloping some hearing problems.She was evaluated and she was fitted for hearing aid. The rest of the family denies any sensory problems. The Flato have friends and other family member that they associate with regular and attended almost every family events. They said they attended a local church once in a while only they are not active members. Both Mr. and Mrs. Flato are in their thirty and they both denied any problem with sex. When asked about stress, they laugh and said everybody has some stress but we fine ways to manage our stress level and time to relaxTHE FAMILY HEALTH ASSESSMENT WAS COLLECTED AND ANALYSIS.A WELLNESS NURSING diagnosis WAS FORM FOR THE FLATO FAMILY1.READINESS FOR ENCHANCED NUTRITIUONAL METABOLIC APTTREN2.EFFECTIVE BLOOD PRESSURE MANAGEMENT3.EFFECTIVE ACTIVE LEVEL
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Frankenstein – the role of Safie in the novel
Written in 1816, when the writer M.Shelley was just nineteen her novel Frankenstein, a Sui Generis dramatized the potential of life engender upon a laboratory table. M.Shelley merges many forms of writing- the memoir, the journal, the letter novel, the picaresque to produce themes as romantic myth making, the gothic project, contemprory history and politics and the discourse of gender.In the novel, oneness also witnesses two families working on opposite set of ideologies. On the one hand, where Frankensteins family represents vision pattern of political inequality and injustice, the De Lacey family represents vision of a loving group based on justice, equality and mutual affection. The structure of De laceys family constitutes M.Shelleys ideal, an ideal derived from her mothers A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Infact, it is the character of Safie, the beloved of Felix De Lacey which best exemplifies to it which shall be discussed in the following paragraphs.Safie, the daughte r of the Turkish merchant is appalled by her fathers betrayal of Felix and by the Islamic oppression of women he endorses. Therefore, she decides to escape from the clutches of her father and flees from turkey to Switzerland, seeking Felix. This incidence gives a sense of M.shelleys oblique reference of looking at Turkey within the dimensions of the east. Moreover, when the readers are first introduced to Safie ,the description of her as a lady dressed in a dark suit covered with a thick black veil makes one aware of a culture very different from the west. It is for this that critic Kornisaruk goes to the extent of calling Safie as being oriental. Hence, echoing Edward Saids theory of the orientalism as now one witnesss construction of Safie as the Other.M.shelley at the same time is quick to shift her stance of Turkey-the east, established in readers mind as a place which paganly occupies a lower place in hierarchy. This is because she now portrays the product of east-Safie in a positive light. This is evidenced by frequent parallels of Safie with Eve of Paradise bewildered who is chaste,pure. Also, the author consciously decides to choose the name Safie meaning wisdom which is symbolic in itself. Safies desire to acquaint herself with the language which becomes a mean to break the cultural barrier justifies to her attri simplye of wisdom. It also reveals her as a person who is class conscience as she wishes to be merged within the upper strata of the society.Moreover, Safie emerges as the unaccompanied independent sanitary educated, self supported, wisdom imbibed woman in the novel. By doing so, the author not only questions the position of women in the 19th century but also brings into focus her rejection of east as a supposedly hierarchically inferior place as discussed earlier. It is because of her alternative role model identity that well renouned critic Rubinstein decides to call her subtly androgynous combining the standard feminine angelic beaut y with a masculine energy.Yet, the author decides the disappearance of Safie and De Laceys family giving them exact involvement in the plot. Thus, establishing that such characters had no or little place in the harsh world of 19th century Europe experienced by M.Shelley. Therefore, justifying the novel as a realistic fiction. Finally, one can conclude, it is from her own mother that Safie learns to aspire to higher powers of intellect and an independence of spirit.So, flouting her fathers tyrannical formula against marrying Felix.Indeed, its for this that critic A.K. Mellor notes Safie as the incarnation of M.Wollstonecraft in the novel.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Evaluation on Companiesââ¬Ã¢¢ Social Accounting
Evaluation on companies friendly news report Executive summary This report explains the concept of rise up-disposed story and analyzes the execution of kindly accounting in the two companies Corning incorporated and AM-PM Glass Comp any. The analysis is establish on the good principles of social accounting and the agreement to the global standards.And the analysis shows that Cornings sustainability has a better understanding and consideration about the requirement of social accounting and it makes its own evaluation system base on ISO 14001, and build up a series of standards, but the standards of EMS can not match with GRI on the completeness and concreteness. AM-PM begins well in the practicing of social accounting. But it is not that easy to do well in only aspects of the social accounting, so it has only considered quartet good principles.While AM-PM takes both AA1000 and GRI as the evaluation standards to assess its performance, and got slide by and systematic repor t results and good reference to its breeding in the future. Contents Evaluation on companies social accounting1 1. Introduction3 2. Definition and explanation of the concept of affable Accounting3 2. 1 Definition and development of concept3 2. 2 Reasons for producing social accounting4 2. Principles of Good and global standards5 3. Critical evaluation on quality of social accounting of two sparkler companies5 3. 1 Corning Incorporated6 3. 2 AM-PM Glass & Mirror Company8 4. Conclusion10 Reference12 1. Introduction Social accounting is a voluntary process that organizations use to account for their environmental and social impacts. There ar both pros and cons telling why organizations decide to engage with this concept of social accounting.The purpose of the report is to valuate the two glass companies Corning and AM-PMs social accounting according to the good principles and global standards of social accounting. 2. Definition and explanation of the concept of Social Accounting 2 . 1 Definition and development of concept Social accounting refers to the process dealing with organizational assessment and communication of its impacts and activities on relevant issues related to ethics, society and the environment with their appropriate stakeholders (Yanovsky, 2006).It aims to address companies social and environmental impacts. Social accounting is as well known as social and environmental accounting, corporate social responsibility coverage, or sustainability accounting, and varied individualistic companies usu aloney give different titles, like in Corning, it is called corporate social responsibility report, and in AM-PM Glass & Mirror, it is called sustainability report. The concept of social accounting has got more than 40 years development.Abt Associates is among the earliest social accounting practitioners, its social precautions included contribution to knowledge, environment and so on, but there is no proper(postnominal) definition for social acco unting. In 1980s, the short reserve Social Audit- A Management Tool for Co-operative Working is the basis of the early private sector companies social responsibility reporting (Spreckley, 1981), and Social responsibility reporting is the early relative formal concept.And in this book, an internal organizational social accounting and audit model are designed to measure individual companies social and environmental performance. And with the development of economy and society, the concept of social accounting besides gets to a broad and deep domain, which includes the evaluation about every aspect of companies social and environmental impacts (Rohinson, 2001 Schwartz and Carroll, 2003). 2. 2 Reasons for producing social accountingThe reasons that individual companies develop social accounting and related reports are as follows. On the negative aspect, employees internal pressures in their sway of wanting to report the environmental and social impacts of the company (Crane and Matten , 2007) can make companies practice the social accounting and external forces by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, consumers or investors as they seek the company to disclose its impacts of social accounting can also lead to the social accounting.On the positive aspect, social accounting can help individual companies identify and utilize opportunities for cost potentness, introduction of profitable eco-friendly products and services, brawniness saving and environmental protection (Defourny and Thorbecke, 1984). Also, both current and future concerns of stakeholders forewarn companies about any possible area of conflict. Yanovsky (2006) further claimed that companies become aware of the probable risk factors that are capable of affecting their pedigree operations, which afford the chance for companies to prepare the act mechanism. . 3 Principles of Good and global standards Good accounts must accord a series of principles. In general, good principles of social accounting have to be inclusive, involving dialog with stakeholders to be complete, highlighting the divulge areas of the individual companys activities to be embedded within the organization to be comparable, undergo external verification, and give way of life for continuous improvements.These principles should take both companies own worry practices and the performance measurements comparison with other companies into consideration (Montgomery and Porter, 1991). Such principles have to be incorporated within the organizational structure, be verified by external auditors and be re mickleed on regular basis in order in relation to the targets of its performance and cost effective business opportunities. There are some global standards that are available for companies social and environmental reports.For example, Social Accountability International produced SA8000, and it provides workplace issues standards AccountAblility developed the AA1000S trust Standard The SAN framework, which is suitable for third-sector organisations ISO1400, which are series of international standards that deal with issues related to environmental management (Porter, et. al. 2009) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which is one of the most technical standards across the globe and is in its third generation format (G3). 3.Critical evaluation on quality of social accounting of two glass companies This report provides a critical evaluation of two case studies of how the organizations have made use of social accounting concept. The Corning Glass and AM-PM Glass & Mirror Company will be used as examples of companies which have fully put into consideration the social accounting concept. It is a reflection of organizational set and evidence-based actions they undertake towards showing concern to their stakeholders in dealing with these issues.The evaluation about the two companies is mainly focus on analyzing the adoption of the good principles and their accordance to the global s tandards. 3. 1 Corning Incorporated Corning is a multinational company which has about 160 years history. Corning is among the best social responsibilities practitioners. The history practicing social responsibilities began before World War One. The chairman James Houghton located out Cornings seven Corporate Values Quality, Integrity, Performance, Leadership, Independence, Innovation, and the Individual.Cornings strategies are based on the attributes of collaboration, risk-taking, and wide-term thinking and so on. fit in to Cornings schema and value system, the best form of corporate social responsibility is equal to simple good business or enlightened self-interest and the good business is constructed by a series of good behaviors including constant interaction with customers, local communities and government. The social accounting in Corning is named sustainability report. 3. 1. 1 The adoption of good principlesFirst, Corning strains the care and cater of its major stakehol ders, especially the care and feeding for its customers and employees, according to Houghtons speech in 2004s company strategy conference. Corning clearly obeys its seven values and takes a set of stakeholders into consideration. It puts attention to labor, women and minorities. Since 1970s, Corning began made efforts to employee women and minorities (Graham, 2010). Second, Corning has complete consideration on social accounting, and highlights impacts of the companys producing activities to the society and environment.Corning put attention to working conditions, products safety and efficacy, and the environment. According to Cornings sustainability report, the central elements of the companies operation excellence are protection safety, health and environment (Graham, 2010). Specifically, in order to protect the air, Corning produces ceramic substrates for catalytic converters and tries to eliminating hazardous chemic materials. Third, Corning has a continuously improvement in pra cticing the social responsibility. Since 1970 to now, Corning consistently shows its care to its stakeholders and the environment.The recent sustainability report is also planed for a long period, and forms a completed environmental protection system, which is including mission, vision, strategy and specific action plans. In process of the energy management, Corning track and measure its greenhouse gas emission, and conducts its related inventory, also, corning launched a global energy management program to guarantee the energy productivity and environmental negative influence. Fourth, Corning has got verification from external organization.Corning reports its antecedent greenhouse gas emission and got the Registry from atomic number 20 Climate Action and the Registry can give a consistent supervision on the continuous execution of the environmental protection and energy management. Fifth, Corning emphasize find the potential improvement, especially those related to performance ta rgets, cost-saving and profitable business opportunities. Corning commits to maintain a long period view of energy and the advanced view require its facilities to utilize energy in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible way.Sixth, corning has embedded professionals related to the social accounting in the process key to success. Cornings approach embeds an environmental, health and safety professional in the designing group. This embedibility enhance the safety and facilitate the health management system in Corning. 3. 1. 2 Accordance to the global standards In the year of 2004, Corning developed and deployed an Environmental Management System, short for EMS, whose format and substance follows ISO 14001(Corning Environmental Health & Saftey Brochure, 2007).ISO 14001 is a very series of recognized global standards, and it affords clear and specific requirement for the corporate environmental control group in Corning. Corning facilities have gained many benefits done institu ting and adopting the management systems, and cod to the rigorous execution, the bad influence to the environment has been reduced. Corning has a pyramid system about EMS, the ISO 14001 stands in the center of the pyramid. And the pyramid shows clear the social accounting procedures. 3. 2 AM-PM Glass & Mirror CompanyAM-PM Glass & Mirror is a residential and commercial glass company that provides exceptional craftsmanship, unsurpassed satisfaction to their customers and gives prompt service through their sustainable innovation and social accounting concept. The company recently outlined its values and objectives in the annual sustainability report, which encompass support to community trade of glass products and its internal judgments on environmental and social performance in relation to achieving its objectives (AM-PM, 2012). 3. 2. 1 The adoption of good principlesAM-PM Glass & Mirror Company follows the three principles of completeness, corporeality and responsiveness. First, AM -PMs sustainability report relates to complete contents of the social responsibilities. It has put attention to both inside and outside of the organization, for example the employee relationships, the sexual and racial ratio, the consideration of the disenable people inside of the organization and the communication with communities, the campaigns to protect environment outside of the organization. Second, AM-PMs emphasize the materiality of the action.It stresses that social responsibilities should not only be create verbally in the sustainability report, it must be based on specific actions first, the real practice result and data of the protection, but not only the plans in the report. Third, responsiveness is the main part that is stressed in the report, it means that AM-PM not only like to be the pioneer in the practice of environmental protection, but also would like follow other companies environmental steps. Forth, the values reported in the sustainability report have been externally verified by auditors and a panel of stakeholders.The customers, employees and the communities all give positive comments on the values and actions of AM-PM. 3. 1. 2 Accordance to the global standards AM-PM Glass & Mirror values follow the AA1000 standards of assurance. And its three principles are from these standards. Also, the company values are compliant with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Level A guidelines. And the third generation version of GRI gives a series of very clear standards for AM-PM to evaluate its performance comprehensively, which is with respect to specific assessment according laws, codes, norms, and voluntary initiatives.Specifically speaking, the compilation of AM-PM Glass & Mirror Company report was based on covering all the company activities that is vital as far as environmental and social impacts are concerned (AM-PM, 2012). Its social accounting also responds to issues that arise out of its previous reports. The wholesomeness of this rep ort is also realized in that it covers all the areas that the company operates on as required by global reporting initiative which covers the company management approaches, overall company profile, and the categories for measuring performance. . Conclusion In summary, it can be deduced that social accounting is a voluntary process that organizations use to account for their environmental and social impacts. Both pros and cons exist why organizations decide to engage with this concept of social accounting. The analysis of Corning Glass Company and AM-PM Glass & Mirror gives a specific evaluation about their execution of social responsibilities. The result shows that the two organizations both have embraced the concept of social accounting.Corning incorporated is a big multinational which has long history of practicing social responsibility, and it has enough experiences to evaluate what kinds of actions would do well to both the company and the environment, and afford benefits to all the shareholders. So in the adoption of good principles, Cornings sustainability report shows that it has a better understanding and consideration about the requirement of social accounting. In the accordance to the global standards, Corning makes its own evaluation system based on ISO 14001, and build up a series of standards.Corning has not used GRI as its standards to evaluate performance. To some extent, the standards of EMS can not match with GRI on the completeness and concreteness. AM-PM is also a glass company that has short history. It enters the glass industry in a new age that stresses environmental protection and the full communication with shareholders. So, it begins well in the practicing of social accounting. But to a new company, it is not that easy to do well in all aspects of the social accounting, so it has only considered four good principles.While AM-PM did well in the accordance to the global standards, it takes both AA1000 and GRI as the evaluation standards to assess its performance, and got clear and systematic report results and good reference to its development in the future. Reference 1. Spreckley, F. (1981). Social Audit A Management Tool for Co-operative Working. Wales Beechwood College. 2. Rohinson, S. et al. (2001). Updating and Estimating a Social Accounting Matrix Using go bad Entropy Methods. Economic Systems Research. Vol. 13, No147-64. 3. Schwartz, M. S. , Carroll, A. B. (2003). Corporate Social Responsibility A Three-Domain Approach. Business Ethics Quarterly. Vol. 13, No. 4503-530 4. Defourny, J. , and Thorbecke, E. (1984). Structural Path Analysis and multiplier factor Decomposition within a Social Accounting Matrix Framework. The Economic Journey. Vol. 94, No 373111-136 5. Graham, M. B. W (2010). Corporate Responsibility at Corning. Incorporated. business relationship of Corporate Responsibility Project. No. 7 6. Crane, A. , and Matten, D. (2009). Business Ethics. New York Oxford University Press, p. 9-286. 7. Montg omery, C. A. , and Porter, M. A. 1991). Strategy Seeking and Securing Competitive Advantage. New York Harvard Business Press. 8. Porter, M. E. , Kramer, M. R. , and Zadek, S. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility (HBR member Collection). New York Harvard Business Press. 9. Yanovsky, M. (2006). Accounting Systems. London Transaction Publishers. 10. Corning Environmental Health & Saftey Brochure, 2007. Available at http//www. socialfunds. com/csr/reports/Corning_Incorporated_2007_EHS. pdf Accessed 10th JUNE 2012. 11. AM-PM. , 2012. Available at http//www. ampmglass. com/ Accessed 10th March 2012.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Working Poor
The Struggle of the functional miserable Revised Essay Sociology 113 Yvonne Barney October 19, 2012 The Struggle of the Working Poor Society often describes the imp everyplaceished with one word, lazy. Society has taught us that if a person wants to be financially successful, it is a simple process of education and wicked reach that will equate to a successful income. This is the American dream. If the impoverished enti depone would get a strain instead of being lazy, they would not pick up to rely on programs like welf ar. The impoverished would succeed if they only would apply themselves.However, in an attempt to present an different point of view, The Working Poor covert in America by David K. Shipler (2004) explored multiple variables this group struggles with daily. Chapter 1, Money and Its Opposite, explains the on the ruminate(p)s and entraps of tax payments and refunds, the abuse of the poor by populace and private institutions, the outgo habits of the feating( a) poor, the consumerist culture of the coupled States, and the omnipresence of money as a guiding factor in the lives of the working poor.Chapter 2, Work Doesnt Work, chronicles the struggles of three working women as they attempt to climb out of mendicancy through employment. They hold jobs that pay between $6 and $7 per hour and attempt to eke out a living with the additional assistance of welfare checks, food stamps, Medicaid, and other services. However, a slight raise in their pay creates an offsetting loss in benefits. Chapter 3, Importing the ordinal World, addresses the poor immigrant workers, both profound as well as illegal, laboring in sweatshop conditions in the United States.Shipler recounts the working conditions of numerous sewing shops in Los Angeles, where legal and illegal immigrants from Mexico, Honduras, Korea, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Thailand, Cambodia, and other nations work for wages downstairs the federal minimum wage and without overtime pay. Chapter 4, Har vest of Shame, tells of the harsh living conditions of migrant farm workers across the United States. They receive low wages or soly minimum wage live in deplorable housing are exposed to azardous pesticides and herbicides face small-minded government enforcement of labor laws are difficult to organize due to the transient nature of their work and the undocumented spatial relation of most and are constantly on the move, which does not allow their churlren stable access to education. Chapter 5, The Daunting Workplace, addresses the diverse challenges the workplace holds for those from the lower rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. Many working poor have no work experience, no education, a criminal record, a drug addiction, and a lifelong absence of role models.Dysfunctional families in which no one works, or even ventures immaterial the neighborhood, have provided no support system or role models. Chapter 6, The Sins of the Fathers, begins by unveiling an epidemic of sexual abuse that be actives all classes and races in the United States. twain the wealthy and the poor are abused however, the wealthy pass to have the financial as well as the family resources that enable them to overcome abuse. Chapter 7, Kinship, emphasizes the role that affinity plays in overcoming the hardships of scantness.Shipler writes, Kinship can blunt the edge of economic adversity (p. 179). He describes a family of five that has faced all forms of hardship and povertyfrom job loss to cancer to the death of the motheryet holds together through bonds of love and caring. He also chronicles the story of a woman who chose to earn significantly less and be plunged into poverty and debt in order to spend time with her minorren, one of whom eventually followed Dartmouth College. Chapter 8, Body and Mind, addresses wellness issues affecting poor families.Shipler mentions malnourishment, might to infections, disease, chronic conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and allergies), premat ure birth, retarded cognitive and physical development, stress, and emotional distress, as well as material support that can help a family endure. It is not uncommon for children in poor families to suffer from poor diets, which can be the cause of numerous re new-fashionedd wellness problems. Chapter 9, Dreams, begins with the ambitious professional aspirations of 6th and eighth grade children from poor families in Washington, DC.Shipler contrasts these aspirations with the enormous faced problems beyond their control. Chapter 10, Work Works, is dedicated to the positive impact that job training and working has had on almost poor individuals and families. Job training programs that teach soft skills as well as hard skills and are successful in instilling presumption and self-esteem are appreciated by employers. Chapter 11, Skill and Will, emphasizes that American society moldiness understand what it can do using the skills and resources it has to combat poverty.The approach to remedying poverty, Shipler argues, must be holistic, tackling all problems associated with it at once. The United States is often described as a place where anyone can pick themselves up by their bootstraps and realize the American dream of a comfortable lifestyle. But, for over 30 million Americans, this dream is no longer possible. Though we live in the full-bodiedest and most powerful estate in the world, there are some(prenominal) individuals who are living under or at the poverty level. While the United States has enjoyed unprecedented affluence, low-wage employees have been scrutiny the American doctrine that hard work cures poverty (Shipler, 2004). The status of poverty translates to families of four making around $ 18,850 a year. And as soon as they interpret work or move just slightly above the $ 18,850 a year (which is still a meager and deprived way to live), they are slim overthrow off from welfare subsistence and lose other support designed to help them, such as food stamps and health insurance This situation often leaves them no better off, and sometimes worse off, than when they were not working.Proponents of welfare reform have verbalized that the working poor are poor because of their drop of effort and slothfulness this statement is an oxymoron. The working poor work longer hours, with less pay and few, if any, benefits. Some make the right choices and save a little money, avoid kindle debt, and live modestly. Even for those who live alimonyfully off a working wage, it only takes one issue for their world to crumble around them. If the car breaks down or a family member is injured at work, what little savings they have accumulated could be gone in an instant.Why do people adhere poor when popular opinion tells us if we work hard, we will be okay. The answer lies in the valued social inequalities the opportunities procurable to each socioeconomic status level differ greatly. One factor that seems to distribute over the impoverishe d is lack of education. Lack of jazzledge affects every aspect of life from basic health care to effectively raising children in a safe and secure environment. Children who come from a working-wage family should not be disadvantaged.There is no reason why the public education system should not give every child an equal opportunity to graduate high school and continue on to college or good deal schools. The fact is public schools are funded to a intumescent degree by property taxes. Impoverished schools receive considerably less funding and have to consider ways to make their budgets work. Further more, the best teachers are often in school districts that can offer competitive salary. It is a well-known fact that children from affluent families tend to do better in school.Children from low income families tend to do poorer on tests, have a lower graduation rate, and are less likely to attend and complete college (Melville 2012). Yet the income divide has received far less attentio n from policy makers and government officials than gaps in student accomplishment by race. Now, in analyses of long-run data published in recent months, researchers are finding that while the achievement gap between white and black students has narrowed significantly over the past few decades, the gap between rich and poor students has grown substantially during the same period (Levitan, Magnum & Magnum 1998). We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race, said Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. prof Reardon is the author of a study that found the gap in standardized test scores between affluent and low-income students had grown by about 40 percent since the 1960s and is now double the testing gap between blacks and whites (Tavernise 2012).A-1 In another study, by researchers from the University of Michigan, the imbalance between rich and poor children in college completion the single most important predictor of success in the work force has grown by about 50 percent since the late 1980s (Tavernise 2012). Tavernise (2012) concluded that 8 % of the working poor hold college degrees compared to 26% of all workers. Although, two-thirds of the working poor hold high school degrees this proportion is a good deal lower than the 88% of all workers who hold high school degrees.The consequence of not holding a high school degree is often poverty. 22% of workers who do not hold high school degrees fall below the official poverty level which is $23,050 for a family of four, and 34% fell below cl% of the poverty level which is $ 34, 575 for a family of four (Problems facing 2012) . There is some evidence that the working poor are less likely to receive job training from their employers. The combination of lower education and lack of training compared to other workers make it difficult for the w orking poor to climb out of poverty.Only 30% of the working poor live in married couple families, compared to 65% of all workers. Single, female-headed families are especially overrepresented among the working poor. Among the working poor, 49% live in families headed by a si ngle woman. Of those who live in families headed by a single female, 28% work but live below 150% of the poverty level. In addition, almost half (46%) of all single parents who work and have children under six years old are in poverty.Workers who were never married or those who were once married also face relatively high rates of working poverty. Twenty percent of workers who have never been married and 21% of those who were divorced, widowed, or separated lived below 150% of the poverty level (Problems facing 2012). The working poor are less likely to be covered by health insurance by their employers. Only 18% of the working poor are covered by health insurance available through their employer or their union, c ompared to 55% of all workers.Malnourishment, susceptibility to infections, disease, chronic conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and allergies), premature birth, retarded cognitive and physical development, stress, and emotional distress can be a side effect of lack of health insurance. It is not uncommon for children in poor families to suffer from poor diets, which can be the cause of numerous related health problems. Although numerous of the working poor qualify for food stamp benefits, few receive them. The average food stamp benefit for a family of four is $ 496 per month (Center on Budget and policy Priorities 2010).Of those who qualify for these benefits, two-thirds do not receive them. It is unclear why the working poor do not receive these benefits, but lack of affect does not seem to be the reason. Research suggests that the working poor do not know that they qualify for these benefits. In addition, welfare administrators in some states incorrectly tell applicants, es pecially men, that they do not qualify for these programs. Finally, often local agencies create added barriers to discourage welfare participation.The City of New York, for example, used to study that applicants return to the welfare office for a second visit in order to apply for food stamps. This requirement was eliminated only recently because of a accost order (FamiliesUSA. org 2012). Many working poor families cannot find affordable housing. Almost one in six rest nucleotides are cost-burdened, paying more than 30% of household income on housing expenses. Median level shelter costs, including mortgage payments, real estate taxes, property insurance, rent, nd utilities, account for 20% of the average non-poor households income. For poor households, the medial expenditure can be as high as 60% of household income (Levitan, Mangum Mangum, 1998). In addition, poor families may face long waiting lists for available subsidized housing units, especially in rural areas. However, access is improving as extension educators provide the working poor with information about home ownership and special mortgage programs, and how to access them. Balancing employment and parenting demands is especially challenging for the working poor.They have fewer financial resources, and the types of jobs for which most are suitable provide little independence, authority, and flexibility to respond to conflicting demands (Henly 1999). Child care is an important obstacle. Nationwide, high- whole step child care is scarce and expensive. Respondents in one study paid, on average, $70 per week for child care, about 22% of their earned income. In the same study, about one-fifth of respondents report they had no regular child care provider and had to piece together care for their children at the last minute or leave children home alone or with an older sibling.Thirty percent of respondents reported having left a job because of a child care disruption (Henly, 1999). According to a stud y conducted by the Urban Institute in 2005, more than two thirds of children ages 5 and under from low income families spend a significant amount of time in child care each week. This is significant because the quality of child care available to low income families is much worse than that available to higher income families, and the quality of the child care affects the childs development. High quality, center-based care is expensive and is simply not an option for many another(prenominal) low income families.Instead, they turn to informal, sometimes unregulated child care (Melville, 2012). There are federal programs to improve and fund azoic childhood education, but these programs do not work with the hectic working schedule of low income parents. Child care subsidies are available in some states, but not available to all low income workers. In other words, low income families often have difficulty accessing support systems that help them balance work and family life. As a result , the children of low income families are not given the same opportunities as their middle class counterparts (Melville, 2012).Unfortunately, high-quality care tends to be more expensive, and childcare subsidies in many states pay only the average market rate. Moreover, childcare subsidies cover only a minority of the low-income workforce (Henly, 1999). Parents who choose to enroll their children in high-quality child care often would have to pay the additional costs a choice many cannot afford to make given other demands on the family income. For many working poor families, these additional costs make selecting high-quality child care financially impossible (Schulman & Adams, 1998).Extension educators can make sure the working poor know about and take advantage of available subsidies, and tax credits can offset the high costs of child care. Transportation is also a major(ip) barrier to financial self-sufficiency for many working poor families. Many of the working poor do not get to work with the ease that most working non-poor enjoy (Lambert, 1998). Even though some communities have identified creative solutions to local transportation needs, transportation remains a problem for many of the working poor. Mass transit, if available, is often sparse, not taking direct routes to most job locations.Outside of heavily populated metropolitan areas, public transportation is largely unavailable. Working poverty does not affect everyone to the same extent, and certain segments of our population are more likely to become members of the working poor. Individuals in this category include workers who are most likely to be allocated to the low-wage jobs that fail to provide full-year employment. Women make up a greater share of the working poor than do men, probably because on average they earn lower wages and work fewer hours.Although women comprise 47% of workers between the ages of 18 and 56, 56% of the working poor are women (FamiliesUSA. org, 2012). Non-citizens of th e United States are also disproportionately represented among the working poor. Fifteen percent of such workers live below poverty, and 30% live below 150% of the poverty level. Blacks and Hispanics are especially affected working poverty affects people of color to a much greater extent than it does white Americans. A surprisingly large number of blacks and Hispanics work below the poverty level.Twelve percent of all blacks who work fall below the poverty level, and 23% fall below 150% of the poverty level. Among working Hispanics, the poverty rates are even higher 14% live below the poverty level and 29% of Hispanic workers fell below 150% of the poverty level (Shipler, 2004). The working poor face a number of difficulties low wages, insufficient hours, layoffs, lack of skills along with limited health benefits affect their health and other conditions that may affect their work performance. Thus, prescribing one solution is not likely to solve the problem of working poverty.The wor king poor need higher wages and jobs that offer full-year employment, wage supplements such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, and access to services such as health care and child care. Most importantly, we should not assume that we can solve the problems of working poverty without income supports. Because many of the working poor are disabled or suffer from other serious health limitations, some workers may not be able to work more hours or in higher paying jobs and must rely on income supports in order to survive above the poverty level. References Center for American Progress (2012. Retrieved October 10, 2012 from http//www. mericanprogress. org/issues/women/report/2008/10/08/5103/the-straight-facts-on-women-in-poverty/ Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (2010). Retrieved October 10, 2012 from http//www. cbpp. org/cms/index. cfm? fa=view&id=1269 FamiliesUSA. org. (2012). Retrieved October 10, 2012 from http//www. familiesusa. org/resources/tools-for-advocates/guides/federal-po verty-guidelines. html Henly, J. (1999). Challenges to finding and keeping jobs in the low-skilled labor market. Poverty Research News, 3(1), 1-5. Levitan, S. , Mangum, G. , & Mangum, S. (1998). Programs in aid of the poor.Baltimore, MD John Hopkins University Press. Melville, J. (2012). Effects of low family income on children. Retrieved 0ctober 10, 2012 from http//www. ehow. com/list_6195251_effects-low-family-income-children. html Problems Facing the Working Poor. (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012 from http//www. dol. gov/oasam/programs/history/herman/reports/futurework/conference/workingpoor/workingpoor_toc. htm Shipler, D. K. (2004). The working poor Invisible in America. New York Alfred A. Knopf. Tavernise, S. (2012, October 10). Education gap grows between rich and poor, Studies say New York Times, February 9, 2012, A1.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Econ Why People Skip Class Essay
I be possessed of come to the conclusion that students skip classes because of their consume moral beliefs and end making process, difficulty in the class and the material, and how interested they are in the subject. The decision making is affected by influences typically from other students most of the time. To the contrary students typically use possible decision making process that range from comparing advantages and disadvantages of attending lectures, also calculating the impact of their workload, and attempting to perfect their use of time. Difficulty in the class and material stand out to be that if they dont find the material challenging or if they are doing well in the class, they may decide to harmonize time they would otherwise spend on the class (including attending lectures) to classes they find more challenging, especially at the busiest and most pressure filled times of the semester.Last and not least is the interest of the subject by the student. Its common sen se that a student would attend class if his interest is high in that course, solely if not interested students would tend to slack and find it easy to abolish themselves from the class, However this is beyond the professors control. mainly I have found that if a student generally finds the material the professor is teaching interesting, and he/she is able to connect with students through lecture (put in a way that makes sense), then the professor doesnt have trouble making the material interesting for students. The opportunity cost for this hypothecs is if you dont have good decision making, or understanding the material thats presented to you, and not interested in the class, you are more than likely to skip classes.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Importance Of The Perception Of Customer Service Quality
The image customers receive when they are paying for a military service is very important. Rather than judging the choice of the goods, or the cost of the item, the customer can only base their opinion of a service on the bearing the service makes them feel and the effectiveness of the service. There are electromotive forcely 7 gaps where customer service prize can be affected within a service organization. It is therefore highly important that management of service industry employees are aware of these potential pitfalls and manage their employees to mitigate these problems.There is a Knowledge curtain raising where management mustiness understand the level of knowledge the customer has, and define this properly. Once management has this misgiving, they must develop standards for employees to ensure a high level of service quality. The gap between management understanding and the translation to standards is called the Standards Gap. However, the creation of standards by ma nagement does not necessarily translate into the customer service reps communication with the customer properly. This is called the Delivery Gap.These gaps can all be linked together under a exemplar of Internal Communications gaps. At the end of these internal processes, the customer receives the service product. At this point in time, the perception of the customer can be different than the perception of the customer service representative. The representative may think they are offering high quality service, but the customer perceives it negatively. This is called the Perception Gap. Additionally, the customer provide be presented with promotional materials and communications from the phoner.The perception of these materials may not match what the bon ton believes it is communicating. This is called the Interpretation Gap. These two culminating gaps ultimately link together to create the overall Service Gap. This gap is a culmination of potential differences throughout the process. If a company is experiencing low levels of customer felicity, it is imperative to work back through the gaps to mold where the problem may be occurring. A good example is the car policy service industry.In the theatre of operations of insurance, the typical consumer will not understand the finer details of insurance what premiums are, what deductibles are, and the varying types of additional reportage that can be purchased. Management might assume that the customer knows more than they do, or less than they do. This would be part of the knowledge gap. The processes they develop for service representative would not meet customers needs very well. This would essence in an overall service gap.However, if management can understand the knowledge needs of the customer, they can potentially increase sales, as the customer may come to realize that they need more in an insurance package than just the basics they were first considering. If the customer service quality is excelle nt from the beginning, the insurance company is able to attract a new customer, as well as increasing profits for the company from that one customer. Additionally, the company may think that since they are following internal procedures, their customer service quality is excellent.However, the company must watch its customer retention rates. If it finds that it is loosing customers, it must find out why. It is probably cod to an interpretation or perception gap. Perhaps the printed material does not appeal to the target audience. Or maybe the language the service representatives are using does not meet the customers expectations. In either case, the overall service quality will decrease. It is therefore very important that the company constantly evaluates its level of customer satisfaction and revises its internal processes to meet customers needs.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Evolution of the Electronic Health Record
Evolution of the Electronic health remember By Belinda Martorelli 11 January 2012 The beginnings of a standardized electronic health record outline started in the 1960s. They were loosely written accounts of the patients complaints. As the systems developed, the records followed a business format, with the development being more useful for the financials and statistics. (Johns, Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health study trouble Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. It was reported by Summerfield and Empey that at least 73 hospitals were using computerized systems for patients records and there were 28 projects underway to store and retrieve clinically relevant information. Over time other systems were created such as the CHCS Composite Health condole with System used by the Department of Defense, COSTAR the calculating machine Stored Ambulatory accede- used worldwide, and DHCP De-Centralized Hospital Computer Program cultivated by the Veterans judgeship used natio nwide, to name a few. Electronic Health Records, National Institutes of Health National Center for look Resources, Overview, April 2006, The MITRE Corporation) The Institute of Medicine (IOM) saw new technologies in the mid 1980s that they wished to implement in Electronic Health Records (EHR) to reduce duplicate records and increase accuracy. In 1991, a committee was created to make a report and recommendations. That first report was titled The Computer-based Patient Record An Essential Technology for Health Care.The results of this report spoke about the characteristics, features and purposes of the electronic record. (Johns, Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health Information worry Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. ) Early in 1999, a report came out that revealed between 44,000 and 98,000 American hospital patients died due to medical errors. Embracing information technology was a priority along with other factors that needed improvement in the American health care System. Ot her reports focused on patient safety and the quality of care they received. Johns, Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health Information Management Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. ) The next important report the IOM produced, in 2003, dealt with the standardization of EHRs to improve patient safety. They created an 8-point list of what EHRs could do. 1. administrative processes 2. Decision support 3. Electronic communication and connectivity 4. Health information and data 5. Order entry/ perplexity 6. Patient support 7. Reporting and population health management 8. Results management (Johns, Merida L. Ed. ) (2011) Health Information Management Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. Source adapted from Kohn 2000. ) There was a study done in 2009 reporting the set-up of health information technology, with limited success, in the industry. The IOM and the National Research Council spoke about the shortfall of implementing the technology, creating a health care IT chasm. (Johns , Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health Information Management Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. Source adapted from Kohn 2000. Some of the challenges to having EHRs can be system crashes, slow response time and lack of communication between disciplines. Purchasing a system off the shelf can be problematic. It may not be an exact fit. It can as well be cost prohibitive. Buying components to meet the facilities needs might perform better. The Personal Health Record (PHR) is controlled by the patient. It contains information about their diseases, hospitalizations, surgeries and any other pertinent facts that affect the patient. Its location can be on a flash drive, their computer or on the Web.It can list demographics like occupation, health related plans and their current health status along with a living will, organ donation choices and a durable power of attorney. (Johns, Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health Information Management Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition. ) Refer ences Electronic Health Records, National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources, Overview, April 2006, The MITRE Corporation Johns, Merida L. (Ed. ) (2011) Health Information Management Technology, Illinois Chicago, Third Edition.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Personal Ethical Dilemma on Alcoholism Essay
Prior to Grade 11, whenever I heard the words substance abuse my thought immediately pictured useless, sorrowful and stupid people who were ruining their lives for no reason. My notion began to change some as I moved through my last schooling years but even with an ever-increasing donnish workload I would never even consider any substance as a latent hostility reliever.The circumstances which made me think long and hard about my life started with a relatively acquitted incident cardinal day in chemistry class. The teacher announced that we would be starting primitive chemistry and asked the class to name the chapter they wished to start. Alcohols, of course said several people.It wasnt until a classmates party that I realized exactly how many of my friends were imbibing. Not only were they drinking, they were also trying to change me to join them. I immediately declined and also urged them to drive away, advising them that their lives were deteriorating. Of course, my advic e went unheeded. It was much easier to convince one person to start drinking than convince twenty to stop.As time passed, however I realized that my friends were having the time of their lives. Clubbing one week to party hopping the next, each time with alcohol, each time without me. Instead of a feeling of integrity, pangs of grief troubled my brain every time I thought of my friends.It was my life, not theirs that was deteriorating. Every week my psyche would be loaded with academic work while my friends would fill themselves up and urge me to join.As weeks passed I began to grow more distant from my classmates and soon realized that I was fighting a losing battle against staying drab in an effort to keep my friends. Ultimately, I would be forced to choose between being a loner and being an alcoholic, between my friendships and my liver. Of course, I still did have a group of classmates who never touched(p) drink but losing nearly half the people I grew up with to alcohol was difficult to stomach. last it took a considerable amount of thought and several leaflets from Alcoholics Anonymous to convince me that my life wasnt worth wasting.My dilemma dramatically changed my perspectives on life. I acquire to be much more far spy and began to resist the temptations of alcohol. I also began to value and appreciate my life more. To my immense relief, I also learned to mingle with my friends attend their parties without laying my hands on a drink.Although I still wish my friends would stop drinking, I no longer think of them or any substance abuser as pathetic or stupid. As I remember the days when I could so easily have joined them, I simply think of them as people who have made the wrong choice.
Viloin Technical/Descriptive Essay
The crowd waited in silence as minutes had passed. thusly suddenly the velvet red curtains began to part. Rushing to opposite sides of the stage revealing a girl. The spotlight flash bright directly on her, you could see the fear in her glossy hazel eyes as she took a quick glimpse into the crowd. She slowly closed her eyes and gently laid her head on her shoulder rest of her beautiful classical 4/4 violin. We watched as she placed her fingers correctly and at that place it was, the first note. A beautiful A flat. So petite and perfect you knew her performance was going to be dumfounding.A violin is a beautiful instrument to look at. That beauty, which comes from the instruments curved and often shiny body, is what helps make the give out you hear. The body of a violin is hollow. The strings are above the body, suspended by a yoke. The tide over is a small, maple piece of wood. This bridge is secured on the instrument because of the tension of the strings. When the violin is p layed, the vibration of the strings is transferred from the bridge to the body. The vibration is amplified in the body of the violin, and this is the grave you hear.The sound of a well played violin is the sound of emotions, from the length of sadness to the shortness of expectations. Sometimes, its low put, whispering like the wind and warm like a blanket and then it gets higher and higher until the pitch is so high, its borderline painful, but just in front you reach the pain it stops and get silenced and then whispers again. The violin is the highest pitch instrument in the orchestra like the higher part of a piano. Sometimes the violin can sound scratchy when you big money up but other times it sounds like harmony and peace when you succeed.Sounds like the high pitch of the bird singing outside your window that wakes you up in the morning. Majestic like water, drops of water creating ripples of sound. Waves that fertilize into your ears and give you those goosebumps that ma ke the little hairs on your arms stand up. The beautiful sound that makes your ears ask for much and more of its gorgeousness . That when they stop playing you feel that little crack in your heart from the loss of the astonishing sound you crave for more of. She pulled back on her bow creating her last note. Her last note was a decrescendo on the note E.She drew back her bow slowly not quite let the beautiful sound end just yet, It slowly faded away into the distance, my ears lingered to hear the note that was go away into the darkness. My eyes were closed , secretly begging to hear more but all i perceive was silence. I opened my eyes and saw she had picked up her bow. The audience was so astonished they sat in silence. That pause felt like eternity but then i stood to my feet and began to applaud her, as everybody else in the crowd followed me and a tear fell off my cheek, Knowing that was my student on that stage.
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