Saturday, August 22, 2020


â€Å"I need to be in Buffalo when the world ends.† I look up from the magazine I’ve been flipping through and take a gander at my companion with suspicion. Feigning exacerbation as though the thinking behind her odd proclamation is evident to everybody aside from me, she clarifies, â€Å"Because it’s constantly ten years behind wherever else.† Generally, she’s right. Wild ox is once in a while on the front line of anything. At the point when pink a major trend dark, ladies dressed in Buffalo were all the while brandishing dim. At the point when Pacific Rim was extremely popular, we kept on survey the corner takeout as bona fide Asian cooking. Disregard Mini Coopers, aren’t Chevy Suburbans still thought to be tasteful? Albeit one may think Buffalonians would have a feeling of inadequacy about our not exactly cosmopolitan picture, we really revel in our common ways. We grasp the way that we are the home of the chicken wing, kazoo, and hot seat, and the city whose football crew nearly won the Super Bowl multiple times. We are not afraid to be the origin of America’s most forgettable president, Millard Fillmore, and the host of â€Å"Howdy Doody,† Buffalo Bob Smith. Now, you may be thinking about how any self-regarding individual could be glad to live in a city whose significant distinguishing strengths are an oily winged creature member and having snow seven months of the year. So as to comprehend our pride, you need to understand that Buffalo’s in reverse nature is the thing that makes it so speaking to the individuals who live here. It doesn’t matter that we’re not cutting edge. Rather, we’ve held the sort of solid, durable network where individuals pay special mind to one another which doesn’t commonly exist in urban communities. On my road, for example, neighbors welcome each other by name, kids play outside solo, and our road affiliation cooperates to keep the blockattractive. One road over is the Elmwood Strip, where autonomously claimed shops, cafés, bistros, and the neighborhood library can be found. I never â€Å"walk the strip† without running into at any rate two individuals I know. I have a sense of security, at home, and part of the network. At the point when an October storm dumped three feet of snow on Buffalo, a large portion of the city was left without power or telephone administration, and the vast majority of our trees were annihilated. Flotsam and jetsam was all over, numerous streets were obstructed, and schools and organizations were shut for longer than seven days. Grown-ups and kids grouped together to clear fallen branches, give dinners, and considerably offer their own homes to those out of luck. One of my neighbors, who has two newborn children, was without force or warmth, yet quickly got a neighbor’s generator, arranged dinners, and had her garage and front walk cleared by neighborhood men inside hours. Regardless of our misfortune, or maybe as a result of it, Buffalonians are pleased with what our identity is: steadfast, liberal, empathetic, and ingenious individuals connected by a typical association with one another. There aren’t numerous spots where a whole network of volunteers contributes to reestablish a recreation center framework to its unique brilliance or, regardless of the city’s chapter 11, secretly raises $70 million to redesign a Frank Lloyd Wright perfect work of art. Some give secretly, similar to little league vegetable trader and beginner stock financial specialist Walt Kaminski, who discreetly parted with millions lastly uncovered his inheritance of help by leaving 8,000,000 dollars to nearby foundations when he kicked the bucket as of late. Others contribute on their own level. My granddad realized all the homeless people by name from passing them on his stroll to work. Once, he exchanged his fleece coat for a destitute man’s worn out one just to ensure this pleased yet down-on-his-karma fellow had something warm to wear. The last time I went with my father to see our specialist, Nelson, I saw him declining installment from a gathering of abandoned Middle Eastern understudies whose vehicle he had fixed in light of the fact that, he stated, â€Å"I realize they would do likewise for my kids.† Experiencing childhood in Buffalo has formed me in significant ways, imparting in me thoughtfulness, liberality, flexibility, respectability, credibility, and a solid commitment to network. We Buffalonians may not be at the front line of design, craftsmanship, music or food, yet we’re the sort of individuals you can rely upon. In this way, whenever you hear the notorious shun â€Å"A Chorus Line† that claims â€Å"to end it all in Buffalo is redundant,† you can put any misinformation to rest.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

17 of the Weirdest Interview Questions Google and Other Big Companies Ask to Identify Top Talent

17 of the Weirdest Interview Questions Google and Other Big Companies Ask to Identify Top Talent Job interviews look alike. There is the introduction, the questioning, the negotiations. There are the behavioral questions, the technical questions, the compatibility questions. But every company, because of their philosophy, purpose and company values have different styles in leading their conversations.The aim of this article is to introduce you to the interviewing style of several leading companies in technology, healthcare, cosmetics, and others.Read this article till the end in order to discover what are the weirdest questions interviewers from those companies have asked job candidates.Those are real questions reported from actual interviewees after their meetings with recruiters from those establishments.While you may never be asked those exact questions, you will get to uncover some of the reasons behind the strangest questions you may be faced with.We hope that through our little analysis, you’ll feel more prepared when the recruiters surprise you on your next job intervie w.1. GOOGLE‘Why are manhole covers round?’The recruiters will not always want you to answer with the true facts. There may be multiple reasons to ask this question:Alphabet hires engineers. You will always make a positive impression on your recruiters if you give a response based on knowledge of civil engineering. The reason why manholes are round is twofold. For one, there is no way a round manhole will fall into the whole. In contrast, if you turn a square manhole up and turn it so that it stands above the opening diagonally, it can fold down. The second reason is that by making a detail round you are saving up on materials. You will use less concrete, steel, etc.Another reason might be to check on the creative thinking of the candidate. A part of programming is to think out-of-the-box. Google’s workers must be capable of reverse engineering, meaning they must be able to analyze why things work the way they work, understand the reason behind it, re-create the same process, a nd, ultimately, improve upon it.How should you answer? Well, with those sorts of questions, the worst thing you can do is, say that you don’t know. The recruiters will want to see your logic behind your thinking and your response. Saying that you don’t know the answer will not do you any favors. The interviewers will think that you were not as logical, as smart, as creative, as knowledgeable, or as original as they would want you to be. And even if you are all of those things, they will not have any good way to prove it.Whenever you face such a question the best strategy is always to try to think out loud. Let the recruiters follow your train of thought for a while. Try to think of a logical answer. The actual end response doesn’t matter that much.Google do love asking weird questions. Here are several run ups:‘How do cell phones work?’ ‘Tell me something quirky about you‘‘How much would a local handyman (with a local business and a 1-2 man operation) be willing to p ay for Adwords?‘ ‘If you and a friend are taking a flight together, what are the chances that you sit next to each other?‘Learn more:2. FACEBOOK‘How would you find out the number of cars passing through a busy bridge?It is one of the technical questions. The company wants to check your skills in Math and your technical knowledge, as well as your ability to be observant. In your answer, you need to take into account:The speed of the vehicles. Bridges normally allow higher speed, but it if is busy, they will probably go at an average speed of about 50 km/h. For easier calculations, let’s go 54 km/h, which is 15 m/s. The length of bridge â€" we need it in meters. Let’s make it 900m. Let’s say the space between the cars is 1,5m, and the length of the vehicles is 3,5m average. Our imaginary bridge will have 6 lanes â€" 3 in each direction. Time equals distance, divided by speed, which means the amount of time it will take 1 car to pass the bridge is 900/15 = 60 seconds. For the amount of time one car crosses the bridge from one end to the other, all cars that were on the bridge before it must have passed as well. So you need to just calculate how many cars fit that space. Divide the length of the bridge by the length of one vehicle plus the length of the space between it and the next one. You are dividing 900 by 5. That means 180 cars will pass for 60 seconds. That is, for 1 lane. For all 6 lanes, 1080 cars will have passed for 1 minute. 3. APPLECan you define empathy for me?Why do they ask you that question? Your interviewers know very well the definition of empathy. What they want to hear from you is your actual attitudes towards empathy. Here is your answering strategy:Give a dictionary-like definition.Continuing with several examples. What acts of empathy made an impression on your mind when you are young?Connect that to your everyday work. How do you use empathy when you interact with your teammates, your customers, and even your supervisors?Fini sh by saying that you know why they ask you this question. Say that you know empathy is important in what you hope to be your future job and how you plan to persevere being empathetic even under pressure.4. AMAZON‘On a scale of 1 10 how whacky can you be?’Why do they ask you that question? The question in this case was asked of a job candidate for the position of a photographer. That particular job candidate warns those coming after him â€" he thinks in this particular case Amazon was looking for cheap workers to photograph items for sale on a white background. He says it is not a job for real photographers. You should be aware why this question could be asked of you. The issue with the job was not a coincidence.Answer high on the scale if you are being recruited for a creative position. Answer low on the scale if you’re being recruited for a highly irrational, analytical position.In this case the chances are high that the recruiters at Amazon knew that it is not a true photo graphers position, and we’re trying to sift through the truly creative professionals from the workers they actually needed â€" the ones who would be satisfied with the 9-to-5 with steady pay, and just anything to do with photography.You should be particularly cautious because whenever we are asked to assess ourselves on the scale from 1 to 10 we are tempted to assess higher, regardless if that would put this in a positive or negative light.5. TESLA‘Recite your resume by heart’The question was asked to software engineering director. If you read the entire testimony you will know the interview didn’t go too well. He explains everybody seemed to be stressed out and too busy. They didn’t have much time for his interview. We are sure it is very exciting to work for Tesla but that is a sign of a bad working environment, normally. This job candidate explains the interviewer actually warned him Elon Musk was known to fire people just after one bad conversation. The reason why you should be careful of such questions is twofold. First, that probably means the recruiter didn’t have the time to prepare for your interview. Second they could suspect you half manipulated your CV and you have embellished your work experience. Even though this job candidate is not happy with his experience, he says every worker might get to test drive a Tesla every once in a while… So you might still be interested to work for the company.At Tesla they focus on very short, very pragmatic questions. Be careful. That means they are not ready to splurge their time on you unless you are worthy of hiring. If recruiter asks you only very short questions this is a red flag. Cut the bull. And come prepared. They have a very easy way to evaluate whether you will be a good employee for them. They will only give you one chance. Learn as much as you can about the company. Do your research. Come up with answers to the classic questions in advance:Tell me about yourself?Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult situation.How do you go about escalating issues?Tell me about a time when you were successful.Why do you want to work here?  Make sure you’re convincing.6. SPOTIFY‘Sketch out a design for a site like Twitter.’According to the testimonies of interviewees at Spotify, all questions are strictly technological. If you don’t have the right experience or the right resume, you won’t have much luck.Why do they ask you that question? Why Twitter and not a new Spotify?They want to surprise you. They want to check for your skills to analyze, reverse engineer, and improve up on existing tools, programs and apps.Prove you’re interested in the world of technology. Describe what you think of the current system.Describe how you saying the current design contributed to the success of the app.Describe your design ideas.Explain why you think your ideas are an improvement over current website.Say what you think the greatest risks are from the changes that you’re pla nning to introduce.7. UBER‘You have 30 mins to make up a company that utilizes an app and answer questions such as KPI, customer service issues, marketing ideas and overall company structure.’For the company idea go for something simple. Something that will never go out of style and something that is always needed. But at the same time try to stick with transportation. You need to stay relevant. A good example is delivering bread.The app. The app will connect local users to local bakeries. The bread app will work on a subscription basis in order to ensure regular income.KPI. For your key performance indicators it’s always advisory to mention the SMART method. They will be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. You will have two types of KPI. The first one will be for the bakeries and the other one will be for drivers. You will base expectations on statistics and research. You will factor in the bread consumption in the region, the amount of bakeries who us e your app and the amount of bakeries who do not use your app. You will factor in seasonal changes of traffic. And you will always, always respect the local differences.For customer service issues you will mostly deal with delays or   bad product. Tell the recruiters for you it will be most important to assess the behavior of the customer and the behavior of the driver and the products of the bakeries equally well. To keep a balance. To make everyone happy.For marketing ideas go for a Guerrilla marketing campaign. It will give you the best effect for the lowest budget.For company structure come up with something flat. You need limited management mostly marketing programmers and drivers.8. ADOBE‘Nth Fibonacci number’Why do they ask you that question?The Fibonacci numbers are following the Fibonacci sequence. Each number is created by summing up the two preceding numbers.Careful! When if you are being asked what is the 6th or the 7th or any consequent number in the order, always ask the specifying question whether the sequence should start with a 0 or a 1. The classic starts from the number one. The modern one starts with 0.Here is the Fibonacci sequence for the first 20:(0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181. 9. IBM‘What is entropy?’Entropy is the thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a systems thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work. It is often used to describe how disorderly or random the system is. IBM ask you this question to check your technical knowledge, your engineering skills, your design skills, and also your values. Entropy is a commonly used metaphor among scientists of the law of the universe to destroy that which lacks maintenance â€" that which lacks intelligent design. They are essentially asking your opinion on sustainable development.10. HESS‘Whats your favorite color’According to Psychology Today the color you choose does say something about you.  Black says you are sensitive and careful.White says you are organized and logical.Red says you are tenacious and determined. Blue says you love harmony and are reliable.Green says you are affectionate, loyal and frankYellow says you enjoy learning and sharing. It is the color of happiness.Purple says you are artistic and unique. Brown says you are friend and loyal. Choose wisely. 11. CISCOI hate mini-vans but I want you to sell me one anyway.Is this a weird question? It is a perfectly normal question to ask of a salesperson. But the question was asked to an engineer?!Why do they ask you that question?The responsibility to sell lies most heavily on Sales and Engineering. And while the salesperson merely has to convince the customer this product encompasses features that will improve the customers life, the engineer is responsible to create those features. 12. NIKEWhy should Nike go direct to consumer through its own retail stores? What is so weird about this question? Well, shouldn’t th e store know better about their decisions and then the future employees? Not necessarily.Why do they ask you that question? The brand needs to be convinced that all of their employees understand and stand behind their decisions. For example, by going directly to the consumer, the messages of Nike, will reach the public in their pure form. That is a value that their employees must share.13. TWITTER‘What do you need to turn lead into gold?’Why do they ask you that question?Well, every Harry Potter fan knows that you need the Philosophers Stone to turn anything into gold, and to create the elixir of life. To make yourself immortal.The recruiters at Twitter maybe testing your general knowledge of popular culture, or your knowledge of alchemy. In anyway, this is not a question on which you can cheat.14. GENERAL MOTORS‘Describe a time that you had to publicly admit to making a mistake.’The question was asked to an engineer that it was a job applicant at General Motors back in Octo ber 2014. You will recall that back in February is the same year the company had to recall more than 800,000 vehicles because of a faulty ignition which cook shut off doing driving and prevent the airbags from opening doing an accident. Part of the aftermath for the company involved General Motors paying the Department of Transportation $35 million for delaying that recall.Is then the recruiter at General Motors have reportedly adopted a new value system and want to make sure that all of their new employees follow the same values.When you answer such questions make sure that you’ll reassure the recruiters that you are fully aware of the company’s history, that you feel for the tough decisions the management had to take, and that you will do everything in your power to not allow such unfortunate events to happen in the future.15. SEPHORA‘If you wanted to open up a business what would be your plan/steps?’This question was asked in an Assistant Marketing Manager Interview.Why d o they ask you that question? Sephora is a makeup store that operates internationally. In order to keep such an establishment up and the running and be successful, you need to observe strict rules.By answering the question how you would open your own business, you are essentially detailing to your future employer what you believe a successful business requires. Here’s what you need to say in these cases:Describe your idea what inspires you the most. What sort of business would you run?What do you need in order to make it right from the start?Describe their values.Describe how your organization Will be helpful to society. Describe between two and five rules that’s you will instill in your employees as the most important thing.Describe how your future employer embodies most of the features of your dream businessâ€"always bring it back to the company.16. JOHNSON JOHNSON‘What information is important about the sale of one pencil?’Is this a weird question? Yes. Well it wouldn†™t be so weird if it wasn’t asked of a job candidate for an analyst. Why do they ask you that question?They ask you that question because the product seems to be insignificant. In your answer you need to make sure you tell your future employer that you understand how the sale of a small object can contributes to generating big data that will later own become an essential for the organization. You will retain the date of the sale, the personal information of the customer, any special circumstances around the sale holidays weekends, promotions ad campaigns, that were running at the time. And then you will describe to your recruiter why you believe this information Will bring up more sales, Will improve the relationship with your customers, and will, ultimately, make them money.17. LUSHWhich lush product describes you?It seems more of a question that Buzzfeed will include in one of their quizzes, rather than a question you would expect to be asked on an interview for a job at a cosm etics company.Why do they ask you that question?There’re three main reasons why:They want to know if you’re familiar with the companies productsThey wants to know if you have a good imaginationThey want to know your opinion as a customer â€" which product you think is popularCONCLUSIONSometimes recruiters want to surprise you. They want to know more about your personality. The only way to get your truthful response is to get you out of your comfort zone. They know that the best job candidates come prepared. That is why they want to challenge you to think out-of-the-box â€" they want to follow your thinking process instead of seeing only the result of you memorizing successful interviewing techniques.Trust your interviewers. Always answer to the best of your abilities. Whenever you’re faced with the choice between impressing them by being fake or showing your true self, always go for the latter, because of this is the only way they will evaluate if you are a good fit for the co mpany. If they ask you a mathematical question be ready to do some calculations. If they ask you of popular culture questions be ready to show your knowledge. If they ask you a technical question be ready to work on with your mind. While it is tempting to try to analyze the question, most times it will not do you any good. Don’t try to play any games. The best interviewees believe they and the recruiters are on the same side.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lgbt Community And The Community - 1240 Words

The main topic of the paper will be discussing about the LGBT community or, also known as the GLBT community, which is defined as a group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. The LGBT community organizes a lot of support and movement for civil rights all around the world, for example, parades. The paper in mind for this integrative project will be discussing about how North Americans became more approachable to be acceptant towards the LGBT community mainly concentrating in Canada and the United States. This topic is relevant for the world we live in since; the LGBT community is a big part of our culture and these individuals still needs to be heard from this day. They are human beings just like heterosexual people, yet they†¦show more content†¦The concept of homophobia/biphobia/transphobia will be relevant to the research since it will further explain why and how other’s develop these â€Å"phobias† and will allow in depth to understand peopleâ₠¬â„¢s behaviour towards this community. History defines as â€Å"the study of past events and past key characters†. The concepts reinforced in this discipline will be the key events that altered the way individuals saw the LGBT community, and key characters who changed the way people perceived the LGBT community. These issues will help to understand the improvement and diminishment with key events and key characters from the past six decades. It is in fact true, North Americans societal attitudes have increased according to researches, that society is more accepting toward the LGBT community. However, only 19% from the LGBT community says there is a lot of social acceptance in our current world. Whereas a lot of the people from this group says they still have been rejected by their family and been called by slurs or jokes. However, the media has been working a lot more into spreading the message of the acceptance and equality amongst this discriminated community. Brands and m edias (television shows, movies, reality shows) have been including people from the LGBT community in their work, for example, Disney kids TV shows now show same-sex parents and American Eagle includes gay couples and heterosexual couples in their commercials. This paperShow MoreRelatedThe Community Of The Lgbt Community Essay1356 Words   |  6 Pagessaid that I still liked guys† (Boso). Although his family became more supportive as he became older, he still had to deal with the backlash from his family while most of his friends were supportive. This is the case for many individuals in the LGBT community who are afraid of coming out to their family. Coming out to your family and friends can be and is a crucial point in someone’s life. The process of coming out and how this affects personal relationships, the break in communication between themRead MoreThe Lgbt Community1083 Words   |  5 Pagesoutrageous ideas. For instance, many new policies have been made protecti ng the newly accepted LGBT community. These are people who have every right to be who they are. People are now able to openly express themselves, but at what cost? When this escalades to extreme measures, where do we know where to stop? How will we know where the morale in these new social ideas run out? An idol to the LGBT community, newly renamed Caitlyn Jenner has revolutionized the way many people view transgender people.Read MoreLgbt Community : The Transgender Community930 Words   |  4 Pages LGBT COMMUNITY: Excuse me, what are you doing here in the women s restroom? You are not supposed to be in here; there are no men urinals here!! Yelled the raggedy old lady with a crazy hairstyle, across the bathroom stall, as I was entering the women restroom in the target. Miss Roa face turned tomato red and said â€Å"Excuse me; I am a young lady who deserves fairness, righteousness, and equality. In this country, everyone should have the same equal rights no matter what!! So if you can excuseRead MoreThe Transgender Community : The Lgbt Community2362 Words   |  10 PagesMovement The transgender community is one that I have not fully researched and explored in my lifetime, I have seen many protest and movements on social media but never took it upon myself to research the significance of the transgender community or how it impacts my life and the lives around me. I have many people close to me that have transitioned and are apart of this amazing community and I feel that in some ways I owe them to do my research and understand this community in a better light. ThroughoutRead MoreLgbt Diversity And The Lgbt Community1274 Words   |  6 Pagesrights of the LGBT community are very prominent and is a major topic of discussion within politics. LGBT which stands for (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, and Trans) encompasses all of those who fall under those categories and those who support the community as well. With the legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states by the U.S Supreme Court the LGBT community is making milestones when it comes to having the same rights as heterosexual couples. With its growing presence in the community it is essentialRead MoreLgbt Diversity : The Lgbt Community1932 Words   |  8 PagesIn the Introduction to LGBT+ Studies class we discussed many themes of the history of the LGBT+ community, these themes include; oppression, fighting for our visibility and having it delayed, and a sort of power within the community. The LGBT+ community has gone through an immense amount of oppression, having to fight its way into the light and having it be pushed aside multiple times. In a historical context when the LGBT+ community started to show itself so to speak was around the 1920’s thereRead MoreLgbt Orientation And The Lgbt Community1597 Words   |  7 Pagesis it that the LGBT community wants? The answer is simple. LGBT want the same chance as everyone else to pursue health and happiness, earn a living, be safe in their communities, serve their country, and take care of the ones they love. The main issue concerning LGBT people is â€Å"coming out†, which is the process of understanding, accepting, and valuing one’s sexual orientation/identity. Coming out includes both exploring one’s identity and sharing that identity with others. LGBT individuals haveRead MoreLgbt Employment : Lgbt Community2223 Words   |  9 PagesNichole Raffle Supplemental Paper April 25th 2016 LGBT Employment Rights in the Workplace Introduction Throughout history there have been numerous legal cases and issues relating to the LGBT community involving workplace equality. One topic that has recently been a popular issue would be the employment rights for LGBT individuals. Equal treatment in the workplace and not being discriminated against for your sexual identity or sexual orientation is extremely important in today’s society. DuringRead MoreLGBT Community and Discrimination.1291 Words   |  6 PagesWhen one hears the words â€Å"LGBT† and â€Å"Homosexuality† it often conjures up a mental picture of people fighting for their rights, which were unjustly taken away or even the social emergence of gay culture in the world in the1980s and the discovery of AIDS. However, many people do not know that the history of LGBT people stretches as far back in humanity’s history, and continues in this day and age. Nevertheless, the LGBT community today faces much discrimination and adversity. Many think the p roblemRead MoreThe Rights Of The Lgbt Community Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pages Jurisdiction of power between the Federal government’s power and state’s rights is a continuous struggle throughout our nation’s history. A current case which affects the LGBT community wherein states have enacted discriminatory laws that infringe upon the rights of the LGBT community. In North Carolina the House Bill 2 has been a major cause of controversy amongst many residents of North Carolina as well as the United States as a whole. From the constitutional standpoint, North Carolina has overstepped

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Influence Of My Musical Personality - 1390 Words

I have always enjoyed listening to music as it truly gives me peace of mind. Many times, certain songs will bring back both good and bad memories that have helped shape my life as it is today. Even though I am not a talented musician and have never played an instrument, I still enjoy music and respect those who can play it at the highest level. My musical personality is influenced by a variety of factors including my parents, school experiences, social media, and mobile technology. Attending church provided me with my earliest exposure to music. We are of the Catholic faith and my parents were very strict about our family attending mass every Sunday morning. The church I attended as a youth was very fortunate to have talented musicians in the congregation. While I did enjoy the hymns played for the entrance, communion, and especially the exit (this meant mass was over), our musicians sang all the mass parts and song verses. This often caused mass time to go well over the expected hour, which upset me as a child. Today when I attend mass at a church that does not sing all the mass parts or song verses, it feels like something is missing from the service. When I hear church hymns they remind me of attending church with my family and provide me with a sense of spiritual well-being. While riding in vehicles with my parents I was introduced to different music genres at a young age. I considered my mother trendy since she listened to the music stations that playedShow MoreRelatedMusic as an Agent of Socialization Essay1409 Words   |  6 PagesMusic has played a major role as an agent of socialization in each of my 4 decades. I know and hope that it will continue to do so. During each period music has affected my personality, shown my personality, affected my perceptions and helped me to cope with growing and changing as a person. 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In western culture, popular music dominates the radio. Young musicians, especiallyRead MoreThe Broadway Musical By David Berrenbaum And Directed By Sam Scalamoni1558 Words   |  7 PagesOn November 10, 2016 I attended Elf the Broadway Musical written by David Berrenbaum and directed by Sam Scalamoni. Elf the Broadway Musical was produced by Texas AM University and MSC OPAS. It was a comedic musical that appealed to a wide variety of audience members. Elf the Broadway Musical was a delightful surprise, since I had seen Elf (film) I expected the play to appeal more to a younger audience, but I was surprised when I found myself laughing alongside the two children sitting next to meRead MoreAnalysis Of Stomp Music1392 Words   |  6 PagesYiruma, 2003. Kiss the Rain. In: From the Yellow Room [CD]. Stomp Music. Knowing that I always overthink during my free time, I am thinking to start my playlist with a contemporary classical music. As stated by McCraty et al., (1998) that classical music has been used to reduce anxiety and depression, it also led to a general reduction in the negative scales, with significant reductions in fatigue, sadness, and tension. This song helps me a lot in order to reduce negativity effects of overthinkingRead MorePygmalion And My Fair Lady1449 Words   |  6 PagesAmanda Franks Professor Egenolf Response Paper 2 11/11/2015 Pygmalion and My Fair Lady: A Comparison George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion (1916) and the 1964 American film My Fair Lady, based on Shaw’s play, are largely similar in plot and character choice; My Fair Lady being an adaptation of Pygmalion. Shaw’s Pygmalion is based on the Greek myth of Pygmalion and his statue Galatea. The film interpretation is similar to the play in many aspects, though it is different in that, because itRead MoreMusic Is A Universal Language1223 Words   |  5 Pagestype of personality one person has. My musical preference, though all over the place at times, is mainly focused on theatrical show tunes. When choosing a song for this essay, I originally chose an aria from Bernstein’s operetta, Candide, which was â€Å"Glitter and Be Gay.† Though I love the music, it did not speak to me as it is comic operetta song. Ultimately, I chose something from Stephen Sondheim’s catalogue, a song called â€Å"I’m Still Here† from the musical Follies. Though it isn’t my favoriteRead MoreElana Sanguigni. Drum Major Tryout Essay. . 1.)A Drum Major925 Words   |  4 Pagessupports its team and is an encouraging influence both on and off the field. 2.) I would love to be Drum Major as I strive to serve others and make a positive impact wherever I go. I portray many leadership skills, and I view a leadership position as an opportunity to make a positive difference. I feel it is important to make a contribution of my time and skill wherever possible, and I look forward to demonstrating energy and commitment to our team. It is my passion to be Drum Major as I want to leadRead MoreThe Relationshipt between Music and Emotion1075 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause of the emotions it evokes. Yet, the notion of musical emotions remains controversial, and researchers have so far been unable to offer a satisfactory account of such emotions. I think that music quite often expresses emotional qualities of human personality such as happiness, sadness, , aggressiveness, and tenderness. I also think that music quite often affects us emotionally in the sense that it evokes or arouses emotions in us. My question is whether there is any connection between

Soc Week 4 Paper Free Essays

Week 4 Assignment 1 Soc 100 July 29, 2012 In this paper I will be discussing the article â€Å"Study of delinquent, diverted, and high-risk adolescent girls: Implications for mental health intervention†. I will start by giving a brief summary of the article I have chosen. Followed by discussing the type of article this is and my conclusion I have drawn form the information found in this article. We will write a custom essay sample on Soc Week 4 Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lastly I will discuss how this article fits into our sociology class as well as how this article differs from non-scholarly periodicals The article begins by describing the issue of increasing numbers of adolescent girls being entered into our nation’s juvenile judicial system. The study aims to assess the most common risk factors that are affecting adolescent girls being entered into the juvenile judicial system. It also aims to find the effectiveness of the prevention factors in place to keep adolescents out of the system. For the study a survey was administered over the course of nine months to a hundred and fifty-nine adolescent girls. These adolescent girls were broken into three categories delinquent, diverted and high-risk. Delinquent girls are the girls that have been entered in the juvenile justice system in some form ranging from home care to a penitentiary. The diverted girls group consists of girls that have engaged in behaviors that have brought them to the attention of the juvenile justice system but instead of being entered into the judicial system were referred to some form of community-based services. Lastly is the high-risk group which are girls are receiving services in programs as a result of problems or behaviors that have them at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. The risk factors assessed included delinquent behavior, experiences of discrimination, negative life events, child trauma such as abuse or neglect, depression and suicide attempts just to name a few. Some of the protective factors assessed included mental health services used, positive school experiences, positive peer involvement and rational coping behaviors. The results from the surveys provided the information that on average the girls in all program types reported mild to moderate levels of depression, but girls in closed residential juvenile justice placement were significantly more depressed than girls involved in the home-based programs. Another surprising result was that nearly one third of the total sample had reported that they have considered suicide. In almost every scenario girls in closed residential juvenile justice placement experienced higher numbers in child trauma, negative age and peer relations, delinquent behavior etc. he only factor that all the girls represented similar experiences were in the form of discrimination. All girls reported some form of discrimination but no one group reported increased amounts. This article is a combination of previous research and new data because though this research added the element of high risk adolescents there has been previous research done dealing with delinquents and diverted adolescents. I also like the article stated find the research to be incomplete in that no true definitive conclusions can be drawn from the limited samples taken solely in this study. From this article I believe that there should be more focus on understanding the risk factors that contribute to delinquency in adolescents. I also believe there should be more preventive programs in place to help promote proper mental health for our adolescents which I believe will lead to less adolescents in our juvenile judicial system. Though we may not be able to stop the predisposed risk factors such as impoverished conditions, having unstable family systems, living in multiple out-of-home placements we can change the programs in place to better support adolescents in these situations. I believe this article enforces the concepts we have learned in chapter five on socialization. This article proves how much early childhood experiences and the family element play a role in development of adolescents. I believe more research in the mental development of underprivileged adolescents needs to be done. I am a firm believer that there are not enough programs in place to aid underprivileged children in this country and that we take too much of a one size fits all approach in development of our adolescents. Research like this proves there are mental development differences dependent on your upbringing and early family element and more work needs to be done to aid these adolescents. From my experience I generally find the material in scholarly periodicals has more reliable information than non-scholarly periodicals. I find that the scholarly periodicals are usually written by or reported by the people actually performing the research. Non-scholarly periodicals are generally written for the general public and usually are a summary of information found elsewhere. I find both scholarly and non-scholarly periodicals to be very similar in many aspects simply because the main goal is to get the information out. This being said it not uncommon to find flashy titles or distinguishing fonts to help draw and audience. I believe this paper provides a clear explanation of the concepts expressed in the article as they pertain to adolescent girls involved in the juvenile judicial system. From the results of the study I believe that it is clear that this is a rising issue and without a push to better the situation it will only get worse. Work Cited: Ruffolo, Mary C. , Sarri, Rosemary. , Goodkind, Sara.. â€Å"Study of delinquent, diverted, and high-risk adolescent girls: Implications for mental health intervention. † Social Work Research 4(2004):237. eLibrary. Web. 29 Jul. 2012. How to cite Soc Week 4 Paper, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

King Arthur And Camelot Essays - Holy Grail, Mythological Kings

King Arthur and Camelot King Arthur and Camelot The Arthurian Legends are a cycle of stories that has been shaped and passed down through over fourteen hundred years of English history. The legend of King Arthur tells of the adventures of an early king of Britain and the knights and ladies who made up his royal court at Camelot. It tells of a world filled with warriors armed with lance, sword, and armor. It speaks of jousts, tournaments, wizards, falconry, enchantresses, damsels in distress, wars, quests, and the code of chivalry. It is a legend that talks of a great king who came to throne from what seemed to be nowhere and of a noble idea that ends in tragedy. I suppose, the version we know best is the one that was composed in the 15th century. This is the great English version of the story, compiled out of earlier versions by the creative genius of a rather mysterious and cryptic figure, the knight, Sir Thomas Malory. The main characters in romance literature are larger than life. Romance literature is concerned with the feats of kings, queens, and knights---not with common, ordinary people. They follow a code of chivalry. A main character in romance literature is braver, nobler, and more honorable than an ordinary human. Oftentimes, the medieval period in general, and King Arthur in particular, have an air of mystery, romance, fantasy, and adventure that are popular themes in all times and cultures. We see King Arthur's magical powers when Sir Bedivere throws Excalibur into the lake, causing lightning to strike in the splendor of the moon. Main characters in romance literature are god-like characters that have no fear, retain their youthful qualities as they age, and never become a victim of sickness. Sometimes a main character in a romance is motivated by love. Morte d' Arthur is a mysterious, magical and perhaps realistic view of the medieval period. If the name of King Arthur is mentioned, I suppose what comes to mind is not so much one person as a whole array of characters and themes, a montage so to speak. Of course we do think first of the King, the magnificent monarch of a glorified or idealized medieval realm. But we think also of his Queen, of the fair and wayward Geneviere, we think of his enchanter, Merlin, who presided over his birth, who set him on the throne, who established him there in the early and traveled days of his reign. There were the Knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the Queen. We think of the place where these people assembled, Camelot, Arthur's magnificent, personal castle and capital and then, there are stranger things; the story of the quest for the Holy Grail, giving a spiritual dimension to the whole story. There is magic, not only the magic of Merlin but also the magic of his strange, ambiguous student, the women, and the enchantress, Morgan LaFay. And at the end is the tragedy of Arthur's downfall, his passing away at the isle of Avalon, which has been shrouded in secrecy. In Arthurian literature, Mordred turns the Knights against each other, which destroys the Round Table and brings King Arthur's entire world crashing down. One cannot help but wonder about the part that fate played in the society where the legends of King Arthur were created. Case in point, had Lancelot not decided to come to Camelot to join in the Round Table, and Mordred had never been told that Arthur was his father, Camelot may have never been destroyed. A law was made a distant moon ago here, July and August cannot be too hot. And there's a legal limit to the snow here in Camelot ... In that legendary story, a few key events transformed Camelot from a utopian kingdom into a wasteland. King Arthur is nothing but a nave idealist. His dream, or should I say fantasy of Camelot is nothing but an illusion. Arthur's leadership is based on emotional seduction not on power. "I have loste mygh forty knyghtes and also the noblefelyshyp of sir Launcelot and hys blood, for now I may nevermore holde hem togydirs with my worshyp." It is power and fear that make a kingdom great not dreamy words of idealism. Arthur is a sinner just like Geneviere by having a son that he never loved and neglecting his queen-wife-adulteress Geneviere. And he knows of her affair, it is the gossip of all

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Clean Air Act Essays - Pollutants, Soil Contamination, Free Essays

Clean Air Act Essays - Pollutants, Soil Contamination, Free Essays Clean Air Act 1990, the federal Clean Air Act was passed to improve air quality in the United States. President Bush's proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act initially would have led to the introduction of alternative, non-petroleum fuels. The petroleum and oxygenate industries responded by offering a reformulated gasoline program as a substitute for most of the alternate fuel proposals. As a result, the amendments to the federal Clean Air Act adopted in 1990 required steps to achieve lower vehicle emissions, including programs to oxygenate and reformulate gasoline. Oxygenated gasoline is designed to increase the combustion efficiency of gasoline, thereby reducing carbon monoxide emissions. Since January 1995, the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require areas that have the most severe ozone pollution to use reformulated gasoline containing fuel oxygenates to improve air quality. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether is one of the most commonly used fuel oxygenates because it is produced in very large amounts from isobutylene, a waste product in the refining process. MTBE can be easily produced at the refinery, at a low cost, and can be transferred through existing pipelines once it has been blended with gasoline. In contrast to other gasoline additives used in the past, MTBE is a member of a class of chemical compounds, ethers, whose unique properties are enhanced solubility in water and chemical attraction to water molecules. These properties, along with widespread use of MTBE, have resulted in frequent detection of MTBE in samples of shallow groundwater from urban areas throughout the United States. MTBE moves quickly to shallow groundwater because it is not attached to soil particles, and is chemically attracted to water molecules. MTBE the potential to impact regional groundwater sources and may present a cumulative contamination hazard due to its mobility and apparent recalcitrance. The United States Geological Survey, in a paper presented to the American Chemical Society in San Francisco in April 1997, noted that MTBE can move from shallow to deeper aquifers with time. MTBE enters the environment, and eventually the groundwater, mainly from leaking underground fuel tanks and associated piping, but also from incomplete combustion in internal combustion engines, spilling and evaporation during transportation and refueling, and watercraft exhaust. Atmospheric precipitation may be another potential sourc e of MTBE in groundwater, because MTBE percolates easily through soil due to its small molecular size and solubility in water, allowing it to move rapidly into groundwater. The Environmental Protection Agency has classified MTBE as a possible human carcinogen, but no drinking-water regulation has been established for the compound. The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a drinking water advisory of 20- 40 micrograms per liter, based upon odor and taste thresholds, and to provide a large margin of safety from carcinogenic effects. Since February 1997, the California Department of Health Services has required public water suppliers to monitor their drinking water sources for MTBE. As of December 1997, about 23%of drinking water sources in California had been sampled for MTBE contamination. Of those sites tested, 33 or 1.3%, had detectable levels of MTBE. Of the contaminated sites tested, 36% had MTBE levels above the state's proposed drinking water standard. Some water systems only test every three years for volatile organic compounds, such as MTBE, so it will be the end of 2000 before all systems will have been tested. For MTBE, this frequency of impact to public drinking wells may not be a reliable indicator of future trends because it reflects a history of releases, including those involving gasoline formulations containing no or only low volumes of MTBE. It also appears that dissolved benzene plumes were of larger regulatory concern than MTBE in previous studies. Most studies have indicated that MTBE does not biodegrade easily under various environmental conditions. If a research investigation determines that a compound does not degrade, a half-life is not reported and the compound is classified as recalcitrant. MTBE is generally reported as recalcitrant, and there are no widely accepted estimates of the half-life. Investigators have reported that MTBE is recalcitrant in anaerobic laboratory studies including denitrifying conditions, sulfate-reducing conditions, methanogenic-reducing conditions, and anaerobic conditions in landfill-affected aquifer material, soils, and sludges. One 1995 result indicated there was no degradation of MTBE in an aerobic laboratory study after more

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Short Guide to Capitalization

A Short Guide to Capitalization A capital letter is the form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a  proper noun  or the first word in a sentence. A capital letter is an uppercase letter in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. Also known as  majuscule, uppercase, upper-case, block letter, and caps. In classical Greek and Latin writing, only capital letters (also called majuscules) were used. Examples and Observations By the sixth and seventh centuries the various letter forms we now use had been invented . . .. From the ninth century on all writing in the Latin alphabet, in whatever style or hand, used capital and small-letter pairs as we do now.(Thomas A. Sebeok, Current Trends in Linguistics, 1974)A capital is always used for the first letter of a sentence. It is a universal rule. But the same cannot be said for the capitalization of names or proper nouns. Style varies wildly betweenand even withinpublications such as national newspapers and magazines. Apply commonsense rules. All names of people and placesPeter Cook, Paraguay, Piccadilly Circustake capitals. All titles of specific works of artCitizen Kane, the Mona Lisa, Beethovens Fifth Symphony, Anna Kareninatake a capital. Languages and nationalitiesEnglish, the Frenchtake capitals. Institutionsthe Houses of Parliament, the White House, the Anglican Churchtake capitals. Days, months and formally defined periods of historyMonday, February, t he Middle Agestake capitals. . . .Words deriving from proper names usually take a capitalas Christian from Christ and Marxist from Marx. But some such words, known as eponyms, have come into everyday use and no longer take a capital.(Ned Halley, Dictionary of Modern English Grammar. Wordsworth, 2005) She laid the folded newspaper on the counter between us, and my eye caught the words DISASTER, FAILURE and CRASH.(Eva Figes, Nellys Version. Secker Warburg, 1977) Trends in Capitalization I am a poet: I distrust anything that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (Antjie Krog)Times have changed since the days of medieval manuscripts with elaborate hand-illuminated capital letters, or Victorian documents in which not just proper names, but virtually all nouns, were given initial caps (a Tradition valiantly maintained to this day by Estate Agents). A look through newspaper archives would show greater use of capitals the further back you went. The tendency towards lowercase, which in part reflects a less formal, less deferential society, has been accelerated by the internet: some web companies, and many email users, have dispensed with capitals altogether.(David Marsh and Amelia Hodsdon, Guardian Style, 3rd ed. Guardian Books, 2010)If in doubt use lower case unless it looks absurd.(The Economist Style Guide. Profile Books, 2005) The Lighter Side of Capital Letters He believed in a door. He must find that door. The door was the way to . . . to . . .The Door was The Way.Good.Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didnt have a good answer to.(Douglas Adams, Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency. Pocket Books, 1987) Carol Fisher: This is Scott ffolliott. Newspaperman, same as you. London correspondent. Mr. Haverstock, Mr. ffolliott.Scott ffolliott: With a double f.Johnny Jones: How do you do?Scott ffolliott: How do you do?Johnny Jones: I dont get the double f.Scott ffolliott: Theyre at the beginning, old boy. Both small fs.Johnny Jones: They cant be at the beginning.Scott ffolliott: One of my ancestors had his head chopped off by Henry VIII, and his wife dropped the capital letter to commemorate the occasion. There it is.Johnny Jones: How do you say it, like a stutter?Scott ffolliott: No, just straight fuh.(Laraine Day, George Sanders, and Joel McCrea in Foreign Correspondent, 1940)

Friday, February 14, 2020

E-government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words

E-government - Essay Example There was a revolution in the waiting to happen and it is only with the passage of time that everyone concerned with the governmental departments will understand the true potential and advantages of implementing the E-government initiative. Surely the times have changed – for the better. (Moulder, 2001) E-government is the short form of electronic government, also known as the ‘e-gov’ and has a number of other names in digital government, online government and even transformational government. (Riley, 2003) E-government discusses the manner in which government makes use of the exchange of information and services that are pertinent with regards to the citizens, individual businesses, and other governmental agencies to name a few. (Welch, 2005) E-government thus takes care of information and communications technology, which in this paper we will call as ICT. All these processes are carried out to ensure that there is improvement within the processes, efficiency is achieved, public services are better managed and delivered and there are plenty of tasks that are done in the right manner as far as processes of democratic governance is concerned. Thus to add to the same discussion, we see that the E-governments encompass a number of different models including the Government to Citizen, also known as the Government to Customer, Government to Business and lastly Government to Government. However to coin the most significant of these activities that E-government does in the related scheme of things, we see that E-government increases efficiency between the tasks, ensures there is convenience all around and there is a better accessibility factor related with the provision of basic public services. Hence the interaction between the private sector and that of the public sector is also improved as a result of the very same. We are ascertaining as to why we are trying to incorporate E-government within the governmental ranks especially when there is

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet Research Paper

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet - Research Paper Example In 2010, this trend was converse to what can be seen in 2011; the company’s current assets declined significantly in 2010 ($ 1,360 million) as compared to the level in the year 2009 ($ 1,534 million). Considering this increase in the current assets of the company, it can be argued that the company is making efforts to bring the current assets level back to what has been maintained in the year 2009. On the other hand, the property and equipment section of the total assets also signified a comparatively larger increase in the year 2011 as compared to the previous years, i.e. the property and equipment increased from $ 4,641 million in 2010 to $ 4,860 million in the year 2011. This increase is attributed to the purchase of new flight equipment by the Jet Blue Airline in 2011 and other equipment. This trend can be seen to be followed from the year 2010 in which the company also purchased the flight equipment, but the increase was not as significant as it has been in the year 2011 (Jet Blue Airline). On the other hand, the equity side of the balance sheet for the three years under consideration shows fewer changes in the year 2010 as compared to the financial year 2009 but there is a significant increase in the total liabilities and equity of the company in the year 2011. The overall increase in the equity and liabilities section of the company is $ 44 million in 2010. The long term liabilities of the company declined from $ 2,920 million in 2009 to $ 2,850 million in 2010. On the other hand, almost every item in current liabilities section showed increase in 2010 apart from the current maturities section, which declined considerably, i.e. $ 384 million in 2009 to $ 183 million in 2010. On the other side, the equity section of the balance sheet showed an increase primarily due to increase in the paid up capital in 2010. Keeping in view the liabilities and equity section of the balance sheet for the financial year 2011, the company showed an

Friday, January 24, 2020

Insomnia, the Trouble of Nights Essay -- Health, Diseases

People do many activities during day time, adults work; students go to school and study; children play games or homemakers stay at home for daily house works, but everyone do something. Even if some activities are enjoyable, easy or funny after all at the end of the day, people need to sleep to rest their bodies. Sleeping time is an indispensible part of human lives which is needed and spent every single day. Human beings need sleeping to forget tiredness of an ending day mentally and also physically, so they can restart another new day. Though people know how sleeping is important, what happens if they cannot sleep? This is the name of disease, insomnia, which means the sleep without poor quantity or quality. There are many types, causes, effects and treatment methods for insomnia that have developed and also have been continuing to search. Nowadays, not to be able to sleep after a hard day makes me think about insomnia more than before. Like many people, I am an insomniac in some periods of my life which caused to choose this topic and I will try to figure out the insomnia by searching with details to solve this problem. (Rosekind, and Gregory 617) According to Rosekind and Gregory, â€Å"Insomnia is a disorder of inadequate sleep (poor quantity or quality) that can result in impairment of daytime function or in emotional distress† ( NIH and American Psychiatric Association 617). It is possible to classified insomnia in different categories. The first classification is based on sleeping situation of sleep. Sleep-onset insomnia is hard to begin to sleep; sleep-maintenance is getting awake for a long night time and waking up early and cannot sleep again. The second classification is based on time , people who cannot sleep one ... ...y different ways which are simple to apply and without any or less side effects. One of these methods is River Rock Medication which can be applied in everywhere, based on breathe exercising; just are needed two small stones to put under feet during medication. This medication method for five minutes before bed time helps to sleep. (Darling, 302) Another treatment method is AT. AT is an ideal method to treat insomnia which is caused of stress or anxiety and also it is a drug-free method. According to Bowden, â€Å"AT is a psychophysiologic based form of autonomic self-regulation—a structured meditative practice. The patient learns a set of simple meditative exercises, which focus the mind on the body’s experience of relaxation. This leads to a reduction in excessive sympathetic tone and a better balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity† (Bowden, 302)

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care Essay

The circulatory system is the body’s transport system. It is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it. Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left side of the heart and enters the biggest artery, called the aorta. The aorta branches into smaller arteries, which then branch into even smaller vessels that travel all over the body. When blood enters the smallest blood vessels, which are calledcapillaries, and are found in body tissue, it gives nutrients and oxygen to the cells and takes in carbon dioxide, water, and waste. The blood, which no longer contains oxygen and nutrients, then goes back to the heart through veins. Veins carry waste products away from cells and bring blood back to the heart , which pumps it to the lungs to pick up oxygen and eliminate waste carbon dioxide. Digestive System The digestive system is made up of organs that break down food into protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fats, which the body needs for energy, growth, and repair. After food is chewed and swallowed, it goes down the esophagus and enters the stomach, where it is further broken down by powerful stomach acids. From the stomach the food travels into the small intestine. This is where your food is broken down into nutrients that can enter the bloodstream through tiny hair-like projections. The excess food that the body doesn’t need or can’t digest is turned into waste and is eliminated from the body. Endocrine System The endocrine system is made up of a group of glands that produce the body’s long-distance messengers, or hormones. Hormones are chemicals that control body functions, such as metabolism, growth, and sexual development. The glands, which include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, thymus gland, pineal body, pancreas, ovaries, and testes, release hormones directly into the bloodstream, which transports the hormones to organs and tissues throughout the body. Immune System The immune system is our body’s defense system against infections and diseases. Organs, tissues, cells, and cell products work together to respond to dangerous organisms (like viruses or bacteria) and substances that may enter the body from the environment. There are three types of response systems in the immune system: the anatomic response, the inflammatory response, and the immune response. The anatomic response physically prevents threatening substances from entering your body. Examples of the anatomic system include the mucous membranes and the skin. If substances do get by, the inflammatory response goes on attack. The inflammatory system works by excreting the invaders from your body. Sneezing, runny noses, and fever are examples of the inflammatory system at work. Sometimes, even though you don’t feel well while it’s happening, your body is fighting illness. When the inflammatory response fails, the immune response goes to work. This is the central part o f the immune system and is made up of white blood cells, which fight infection by gobbling up antigens. About a quarter of white blood cells, called the lymphocytes, migrate to the lymph nodes and produce antibodies, which fight disease. Lymphatic System The lymphatic system is also a defense system for the body. It filters out organisms that cause disease, produces white blood cells, and generates disease-fighting antibodies. It also distributes fluids and nutrients in the body and drains excess fluids and protein so that tissues do not swell. The lymphatic system is made up of a network of vessels that help circulate body fluids. These vessels carry excess fluid away from the spaces between tissues and organs and return it to the bloodstream. Muscular System The muscular system is made up of tissues that work with the skeletal system to control movement of the body. Some muscles—like the ones in your arms and legs—are voluntary, meaning that you decide when to move them. Other muscles, like the ones in your stomach, heart, intestines and other organs, are involuntary. This means that they are controlled automatically by the nervous system and hormones—you often don’t even realize they’re at work. The body is made up of three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Each of these has the ability to contract and expand, which allows the body to move and function. Skeletal muscles help the body move. Smooth muscles, which are involuntary, are located inside organs, such as the stomach and intestines. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Its motion is involuntary Nervous System The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. One of the most important systems in your body, the nervous system is your body’s control system. It sends, receives, and processes nerve impulses throughout the body. These nerve impulses tell your muscles and organs what to do and how to respond to the environment. There are three parts of your nervous system that work together: the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. It sends out nerve impulses and analyzes information from the sense organs, which tell your brain about things you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. The peripheral nervous system includes the craniospinal nerves that branch off from the brain and the spinal cord. It carries the nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands. The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary action, such as heart beat and digestion. Reproductive System The reproductive system allows humans to produce children. Sperm from the male fertilizes the female’s egg, or ovum, in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the fetus develops over a period of nine months. Respiratory System The respiratory system brings air into the body and removes carbon dioxide. It includes the nose, trachea, and lungs. When you breathe in, air enters your nose or mouth and goes down a long tube called the trachea. The trachea branches into two bronchial tubes, or primary bronchi, which go to the lungs. The primary bronchi branch off into even smaller bronchial tubes, or bronchioles. The bronchioles end in the alveoli, or air sacs. Oxygen follows this path and passes through the walls of the air sacs and blood vessels and enters the blood stream. At the same time, carbon dioxide passes into the lungs and is exhaled. Skeletal System The skeletal system is made up of bones, ligaments and tendons. It shapes the body and protects organs. The skeletal system works with the muscular system to help the body move. Marrow, which is soft, fatty tissue that produces red blood cells, many white blood cells, and other immune system cells, is found inside bones. Urinary System The urinary system eliminates waste from the body, in the form of urine. The kidneys remove waste from the blood. The waste combines with water to form urine. From the kidneys, urine travels down two thin tubes called ureters to the bladder. When the bladder is full, urine is discharged through the urethra.